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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. NOPE for me on this fine Thursday
  2. Not One Puff Ever!
  3. Qu'est que c'est? Moi Newbie est ici :)
  4. I am driving 2 hours per day each way to work and back. I used to smoke in the car but somehow, it doesn't really bother me now that I'm not smoking. Seems weird in a good way that I'm not wanting to smoke in the car. Never really crosses my mind to light up once I buckle up. Any cravings I get are usually while I'm at work or when I'm at home. The other thing I'm finding is I am eating less, not more. I read a lot of stuff about people eating more once they stop. I am finding the opposite. Drinking a lot more fluids but eating way less solid food.
  5. Starting to think about it less and less often each day so I can now begin to see that there will be a time in the future when the thought of having a smoke will just not be there, or at least not very often. Getting comfortable with not smoking is gonna take a little time. Understandable as it's been a big part of my life for years and years now. But it's starting to feel really good being a non-smoker :)
  6. I'm doing OK I think. There are still times when I get a pretty bad urge but I try to just wait it out and remember alI I have gone through to get to this point. Don't want to do that 1st week again ..... that's for sure :o It's tough still when things just come along and put you under stress. That's when I find I have to really need to be strong. It is getting a little better each day though so, that's also really encouraging :)
  7. Ummmm .............. OK; NOPE :D
  8. Yes smoking can run your life, that's or sure. So nice to be taking back control again. No more planning everything around whether you'll be able to smoke or not :)
  9. Nope for me this snowy Sunday :D
  10. I don't even want to get talking bout my diet - lol. It's not a good story but, I'm still alive and kicking and not overweight so, all's good as far as I'm concerned :)
  11. I suspended my Facebook account almost a year ago just because I got tired of all the nonsense that kept coming up all the time. The current political climate just adds fuel to that fire. Sites like this one tend to focus on something that we all have in common so politics and the like never enter into the discussion. That's probably a good thing :P
  12. Frying Bacon in the morning get my day off to a great start. Who doesn't love bacon :D
  13. I wish you well my friend. It's a very tough thing to do. You gotta keep trying though until you find a way to remain quit. I know this will get easier the longer I refuse to give into the seduction of lighting up again. And yes; you are doing this for you and no one else - be selfish in your quit. Do this for you before you worry about anybody else. Don't mean to preach cuz I don't know anything about all this quitting stuff. Only know what I have been through and the thoughts I've had the past couple of weeks. I will be pulling for you to make this a permanent quit !
  14. Thank you all for the warm welcome and encouragement to stay focused on this quit :D I plan to do some reading here for sure. Knowledge is always a good thing.
  15. Hi All! Been on my first quit attempt for just under 2 weeks now. It's been quite an experience. One that I've tried to embrace fully as I've read a lot about it but never experienced it for myself. Certainly hasn't been "business as usual" - Lol :rolleyes: Don't understand how quitting has been so much more disruptive to my life than when I first started to smoke - doesn't make sense. Anyway; glad I made to commitment and have so far followed up on it. Seems to be getting a lot easier to handle then the first week so I am pretty confident I'll make it through as long as I keep in mind all the reasons I wanted to quit and how those are so much more important than all the reasons I want to light up another smoke. The past few days I've been more wondering why I lit up all those smokes for all those years :(

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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