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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. Hey Joybella :) I'm glad you came back to us. Please also go to the dedicated daily NOPE pledge page here and pledge your NPE every day. It will help you focus on what you need to do each day. You are right, this isn't easy at all and the emotional part is particularly hard to deal with but if you want it badly enough, you will find a way to deal with the emotions without lighting up again. Your emotional state will get better with time, probably not as fast as you would like but it does get better. Have you spoken to your doctor about your quitting plan and what options there are to help you cope with the emotional aspect? That might e worth a try. Anything you can do to get you firmly established in your quit will be a very good thing. I look forward to following your journey. We'll be here to support you in any way we can :D
  2. +1
  3. +1
  4. Hi Tyme2B & welcome :D You will get a lot of good support here that's for sure. It's a little weaker on weekends with people checking in but someone is normally around pretty much always so feel free to post away and for sure go to the dedicated daily thread to pledge your NOPE each & every day. Helps me to stay focused on never trying to fool myself into sneaking an innocent puff (by the way, there are no innocent puffs). Also, watch all the videos you can on the addiction of smoking. Lots of info. here and elsewhere. Once you truly understand that smoking has no benefits and is just an addiction the easier it will be to keep your quit. Are you quitting cold turkey or using any assistance? What do you think caused you to relapse. That was an awesome quit you had going. Anyway, welcome and stay close here. We'll give you all the support we can. In the end though, it'll be up to you. Go for it :D
  5. The only problem is ..... my face is the only stick-face around today for you to slap lol. By the way, I have your trophy for you!
  6. Hummm .... OK; this is kind of saddening & frustrating all at the same time. Clearly off the rails .................... again.
  7. -13 I assume you weren't talkin to me!!
  8. -10 Jeez. This is quite a deep hole??
  9. -4
  10. 3
  11. ONE
  12. You Sooooooo have this Boo! We're counting down now :D
  13. NOPE for me too! It's Saturday after all. Why ruin it by smoking!
  14. Ho Hummm ..................... ZERO
  15. ZERO (again)
  16. I grabbed Bakon's "chick" remote the other day. It's perfect for the Stick Cave :lol:
  17. ZERO
  18. Reciprocity

    Good things

    Feeling good about yourself is a good thing .... a very good thing. Quitting smoking is a big part of that. You no longer have to worry about all those things you worried about before because you smoked then. It's cool that other positive things came your way at the same time!
  19. Two lives improved - what an accomplishment :D Congrats!
  20. -2
  21. OK here's the story as far as I know it ; 1. I picked an avatar that has a pig on a beach - just because I thought it looked different and unusual. 2. Stewie posted a reply to my introduction post and referred to me as "Pig Lover". 3. I have since posted a lot of pig pictures on various threads. That's it, Pretty simple. I don't live on a farm nor do I own a Pig. The name Reciprocity I picked because it refers to giving something and taking something of relative equal value. That's what we really do here right? Give what we can and take what we need? It's a reciprocal interaction. So attaching a pic of the real me and my daughter, taken a couple of years ago. (No Pigs anywhere) Here's a pic of my summer girl:
  22. Can't be that video. Only Me & Bakon have a copy of that but, since you brought it up ............. here's a teaser.
  23. Had to drive home from work a 2 hour stress-test :angry: -3
  24. ^^ If you're easily offended - just close your eyes when you visit some pages lol. It's all in good fun though, which is what we all need ................. more fun :D
  25. -3 No they're NOT!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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