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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. When I look through all the registered members here, I see so many members who have signed on, created a profile, even adding an avatar to their profile but then, not one post. Nothing at all after registration. Clearly anyone that signs on to a forum like this must be a smoker; thinking about, planning to, wanting to, quit. So why not join us here in some conversation about what is such a daunting challenge - OMG, quitting smoking? I'm interested, I'm curious but me? Oh no, I could never actually do it. I'm not strong enough. I like smoking and I've heard it's way to hard to give it up. Let me tell you, all of us here ARE you. Or, at least we WERE YOU at one time. We are now non-smokers. We are still nicotine addicts but we now choose not to feed our addiction any longer and we couldn't be happier about it! WE have decided to take control of our life back. WE have decided to stop all the harmful affects to our personal health that smoking causes. WE have decided to start smelling better and, being able to smell and taste food again. WE have decided to enjoy our social interactions again without needing to slither away to have a smoke somewhere while our friends and family enjoy themselves without us. WE are now once again proud of ourselves because we have taken that one first step to improve our lives for ourselves and for our loved ones. So, if you are lurking out there and reading our stories, why not join us? Why not give quitting a try. One of the things all of us here have found to be a pleasant surprise is the unconditional support we find here by interacting with other members who themselves are going through the quit process. It DOES make a huge difference to making your quit successful. You won't realize this benefit until you decide to jump in and join us. Don't deny yourself any longer. Do it NOW! Post up here. Ask us any questions you like. You don't have to be already quit to join us. Just do it. Do it for the future YOU really want!
  2. ^^^ Yes, it's a choice that we all make individually. To smoke or not to smoke and, I suppose we make that choice based on our perceived benefits of that choice we have made. That's why education about the addiction aspect of smoking is so critical for those of us who choose not to smoke.
  3. I never knew this lady as I joined after her passing but from what I have read, it seems she was "my kind of people". I like real people and it seems she was that............................ RIP Beth.
  4. -10
  5. -10
  6. -10
  7. -12
  8. NOPE for me on Saturday!
  9. Not done yet ....................... -9
  10. -9
  11. -11
  12. -13
  13. You won't have to - the wife will beat you to it. She doesn't put up with any siht :)
  14. Yes - I know you had a real tragic situation last week. Have been thinking about you and wondering how you were doing with it all. As Doreen said, lots of people here eager to support you when you need it. Hope to see you around DeeGal :)
  15. You're lucky I gotta work most days or you'd be din real trouble :P -12
  16. Not with that countdown about to begin :)
  17. Yes - there's no easy way to earn your stripes in this quitting business, which makes each success that much sweeter :)
  18. -9
  19. Yeah - was thinking the same thing. Where are all the newbies? Back to me being the baby quitter I guess :(
  20. Good for you :) I hope you & your husband really enjoy yourselves. A chance for you both to enjoy a big benefit of no longer smoking!! These are the things that keep us motivated during our quit. Looking forward to those benefits we can now enjoy as non smokers. It's not just about the health aspect.
  21. -6
  22. Hey - you chicks are cheating AGAIN! No wonder we're struggling :( -6
  23. NOPE to smoking AND frolicking.
  24. -5
  25. At first, I read your "bop" as poop - lol

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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