Well, you have come to a good place for support in your new Quit and 5 minutes in is better than 2 minutes in so just keep marching forward (as Bakon would say).
I'm wondering if you know why you relapsed after a 3 year quit? If you don't understand why that happened then it may well happen again. What have you learned from your relapse and is this the 1st time you have relapsed? This is an addiction and we are all addicts and always will be so pledging NOPE each and every day, if not on a board like this at least to ourselves, is key to making a quit stick permanently. One puff leads to one cigarette. & one cigarette. leads you back to being a full time smoker. Guess I don't need to tell you that it's up to you alone to make this happen. We are here for support and we also like to have a little fun around here as well. Quitting smoking doesn't have to be all doom & gloom.
Enough preaching from me for now. Welcome aboard the Quit Train. Let's make this your last quit!! Read all you can here about this addiction and watch the videos that are available. The more you understand this addition, the better prepared you will be to fight it. We'll share what we can to help you make this permanent and perhaps you'll enjoy being part of our very special community :) See you around.