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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. Even the chicks are dancing at the base of our magnificent trophy - lol SWEET
  2. 19 - let's do it Joe!!!!
  3. 17
  4. 17 :(
  5. OK - didn't see that. I just get nervous when the newbies don't check in :to_take_umbrage:
  6. 17 Yay Bakon!!
  7. Jacqueline - you still with us? Check in and let us know how you're doing. We tend to be a little bit "mother henish" around here with our newbies. We just want you to succeed :)
  8. Just hoping Nancy doesn't show up :P 15
  9. Congratulations Raidermom23 - 1 month smoke free is fantastic! That first month is the hardest one to get through for sure. Be sure to celebrate by treating yourself to something special and nice. Rewarding yourself along the way is an important part of the ongoing quit. Set your targets then reward yourself as you reach them. Proud of you girl!!
  10. I'm gonna say #2 is the lie? 1. I have been to Africa 2. I have driven a race car on a race track 3. I have ridden in a helicopter I will PM you about the picture thing. Are you using a P.C.?
  11. 15 let go sticks!!
  12. Never on Sunday NOPE!
  13. 14 We're gettin there guys!
  14. I say #2 is the lie? Here's mine: 1. I'm really a female and just play on the sticks team in the chicks & sticks game because I feel sorry for the men. 2. I have a black cat 3. I have jumped from an airplane (with a parachute).
  15. Hey! I thought you were going to work or something .............. 12
  16. Thanks for your encouragement guys & gals :) It feels great being able to measure my quit as 1/4 year! That was a short term goal I was focused on achieving. Now that it's done I'm looking a little further out at the 1/2 year mark. Month 3 was pretty much a non issue; which is great when it comes to quitting. Just remaining on guard for those times when thoughts of smoking would suddenly rear their ugly head and try to lure me back to feeding my addiction. Those are certainly less frequent and very easy to push aside now. Just don't do anything stupid like think you can have just one, now that you figure you have a handle on things. Even stressful situations now don't seem to be a huge trigger to smoke like they were earlier on in my quit so I guess there's progress still. So that's my plan going forward. Steady as she goes from here on and just remain committed to the NOPE!
  17. 12
  18. 12 Just waiting for Joe now lol :)
  19. 12 we'll wait you out then run up the score :)
  20. 12 Shouldn't you be in bed or something Doreen??
  21. I noticed that too in my early quit. Just how great it was to breath easier right away :)
  22. Yup, that's the way to do it AG :) Distract yourself and deep breathing to calm those anxious moments we all feel early on in our quits. You're lucky you can get outside and enjoy nice weather. Was well into the minus temps and snowy when I quit so I just huddled up inside for awhile. I know one of the things I noticed and enjoyed first when I quit was how much easier and more comfortable my breathing was. You're going about this exactly right too. Just deal with the here and now at first. Don't look too far down the road. day by day, hour by hour at first. You'll very soon be much more comfortable with this whole quitting thing :) Enjoy your start gazing 2-night. Sunsets are nice too when we get them :)
  23. Well, AG, I was the opposite in terms of the passage of time. It felt to me like time stood still during the early part of my quit. My first month felt like a year - lol. Just goes to show how some things are different for all of us. Glad it's a "little" better today for you. Just keep focused on the prize for now hour by hour; day by day and you'll do fine :)
  24. Yummy :)
  25. 11

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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