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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. Hope you're having a great day!
  2. leek
  3. 3
  4. Good news is, he won't be with you that long before he'll be like:
  5. 0 I know - you gotta watch her ..... a lot!
  6. Cover of one you posted up Grace.
  7. Geez Grace - you got a lotta tunes up there. Good job :)
  8. 3
  9. LOL - back in my day we didn't have all this rock 'n roll clatter to deal with. Geez, kids these days!
  10. In a sense yes, I guess you are. Quitting is a process that happens very gradually and in the beginning, it can be a bit of a roller coaster ride. Up days, down days abound in the early part of your quit. That smooths out the further you get into your quit but, in those early volatile days, remembering that the uncomfortable times are just temporary does help us deal with the better (this too shall pass).
  11. I think what is being said here is that trying to focus on the positives of quitting rather than the discomfort, in fact down right misery, that some experience in the initial days of quitting does help reduce that withdrawal process. If you are quitting cold turkey, nicotine is out of your body within 3 days. Does this mean you are back to completely normal on day 4 - no, not by a long shot. The thing that really takes a long time to adjust to is reprogramming your brain receptors to live without the constant stimulation from nicotine.Think about when you smoke. You now need to get used to doing something else during those times. This isn't physical withdrawal but it's mental readjustment. Entering this part of the quit can benefit greatly if you go into it with a positive attitude. I've beaten the physical withdrawal now I get to really enjoy the benefits of being smoke free. All I need to do is learn how to live my life as a non-smoker again. This period of adjustment does happen but it takes a while. That's why we recommend making a full 1 year pledge. This way, you get to stay with us for a full year while you adjust to different smoking triggers in each of 4 seasons. It does work for those who stick with it. Once you are over the physical withdrawal and are a little way into adjusting your life style, you will see that it's very manageable. Being aware of your attitude as you progress and keeping it as positive as possible will be a help to you in your quit.
  12. Georgen you just have to do it. Make the commitment in your mind and just do it! In your mind, there is ALWAYS a better time to quit when you're still smoking and there are a thousand excuses not to quit but the truth is that the very best time to quit is right now! The sooner you start, the sooner you will get to enjoy your smoke free life. What a sense of pride you will have once you've beaten back this addiction. In your life's journal, this will have it's own page with a gold star on it :) Whether you are experiencing stress, joy, sorrow or any host of emotional life situations, smoking will not help you with those things. Your life goes on as normal regardless if you smoke or not. Smoking just means you need to feed that addiction in addition to dealing with life. Jump on the train with us and enjoy the ride. We're all headed to freedom. The ride may be a little bumpy at times but the rewards outweigh the struggles by far.
  13. 5 Nice to wake up to something positive :)
  14. Hi K (again). Yes, what you said is true. You used the test as an excuse to continue but I do understand your dilemma. That first week is tough and your head can be in a real fog for awhile with ability to concentrate negatively affected so it was a tough choice for you I'm sure. Now that you have had a small taste of the early stages of quitting, you can be well prepared to take it on and beat this addiction. Once you get through that very early part, you will realize how the smoking never really helped you in those stressful situations and you will be able to carry on with your life quite nicely without them. Let us know how you're doing as you get started again and please reset your quit date in your profile so I can make sure we recognize your important milestones properly.
  15. Speedboat All Inclusive Land Vacation or Cruise Vacation?
  16. Way to go MM! You are now just a month away from the sought after Lido Deck. What an inspiration to those of us coming along the path after you. I hope you come back and say Hi. You really deserve to celebrate your accomplishment. I know it hasn't always been easy but you have fought hard and now you're almost there :D
  17. Angie I hope you are looking in on our community today and realize that you are not alone in this journey. We are all here to cheer you on and support you in any way we can. We have ALL gone though the same thing so we know exactly what you are experiencing. Lean on us but make your own unwavering commitment to never take another puff! Doesn't matter if you do it fast or slow as long as you make it to the finish line smoke free :)
  18. 2
  19. We need to get a plumber on this site because there's just too many threads that end up in the toilet :P
  20. Eek - Ham or Bacon makes me nervous :o Macarons
  21. 0
  22. +0
  23. +0

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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