At first, in the early part of your quit, you find it hard to believe all these things the people who have quit before you keep telling you, You think; "oh, it must have been different for them" - "I have this stressful situation in my life that they don't have so it's different for me". NO - it's that same for all of us. We all dealt with life while we struggled through the early part of our quits.It's the level of commitment you make that will be the difference. We each have to find our own way but listen to what the people who have gone before you say. They know. They've been through it. Their situations may have been different than yours but, they did have life situations that they too had to deal with while they were quitting.
The process of quitting progresses at a little different rate for all of us so it's not possible for anyone to tell you that; :Oh, on day 5 you will feel (insert feeling)". It just doesn't work that way but, the one guarantee all of us will give you is that if you commit to NOPE each and every day and continue that for a period of 1 year, you will be a confirmed quitter and most of that year will have been just maintaining a vigilant attitude toward not smoking.
Most of that first year you will just have fleeting thoughts about smoking but it will still be there lurking in the background waiting for you to have a weak moment. That's where the vigilance comes in. Just don't do anything stupid and you'll be fine. That's why the 1 year "Lido Deck Celebration" is such a big deal. It marks a huge milestone in your quit. It's like a quitter's convocation - here's your Quitters Degree. Now, go forth into the world and enjoy your permanent smoke free life!
So as you go through the early part of your quit, remember all these things. It's all true. Quitting and the early withdrawal period may not be pleasant but it won't kill you. Just commit to NOPE each and every day and you can achieve freedom from this deadly addiction too - YES YOU!!