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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. -6
  2. Nectarine
  3. -4 Great, now that you're here :D
  4. -6
  5. -8
  6. I have not heard of that one. Heard some get constipated which would be the opposite. Perhaps some other cause? We tend to attribute any change in bodily function to our quit because there are changes going on but more often than not, it's just a coincidental timing issue.
  7. -8
  8. Wow John! getting close to that 1/2 year mark now. Congratulations! Keep protecting that quit John :) And just to dispel those rumors of you being the quiet one of our quit family, I'm posting up that pic from last weekend!
  9. -7
  10. -9 Do you chicks have some kind of shift work thing goin' on here?
  11. I know you will find it difficult to believe what I am telling you now but I assure you, what you are describing is exactly where I was at a little over 4 short months ago. Foggy head, unable to function properly or focus on anything but the misery I was enduring day after day. Yet I continued on and refused to smoke when there was a voice in my head screaming out for relief from what I was feeling at that time. NOPE!! Not giving in. That's all it took. Gradually, it did get better. Almost unnoticed was the progression it happens so slowly but it did happen. Now - smoking??? Pffft!! Really?
  12. Drunkin elverie and as a result ...
  13. What West Coast USA Hotel Have you stayed at recently?
  14. Noodles 'n Sauce ( :bad:)
  15. Yeah OK, I kind of understand the panic attack issue a little better now that you have explained what happened. And yes, "the craves" will be worse now because you smoked. That's why we say you are back to the start when you take even one puff. It wakes the addiction again and that addiction wants to be fed! Fight that until you can see your doctor tomorrow. Hopefully he/she will be able to come up with some suggestions to handle the added anxiety from quitting smoking. There is no other way around this issue than to just not smoke no matter what. If there are triggers that cause your panic attacks, you will have to avoid those while quitting smoking until you reprogram your brain not to immediately go to lighting up a smoke to relieve anxiety. It's possible to get there, it just takes a while :)
  16. Hi Peace Train! (reminds me of my Cat Stevens days - lol) Looks like you have a decent quit going on there. In that this isn't your 1st time around the block, I assume you know what you are up against. You're correct in assuming the addict in you is making you feel miserable. It wants you to feed it. You know you can't feed it or you'll be right back where you were day one wishing you were where you are now. It's a battle with the addiction and the more you win the weaker that voice in your head gets. You say you don't know how much you will be with us here on the board. Do what you think is best but from my experience, I can tell you the more involved you are in communicating with others that are also quitting, the stronger your quit will become. Not only receiving advice but giving it out as well. There are others coming up right behind you. Mentoring them by communicating information you have gained in your quit not only helps them but reinforces it for you. It's a win, win! Just consider it at least.
  17. -9
  18. -5 Howdy stranger :D
  19. Let me just interject a little something here to for you new quitters. Think of the "pangs of withdrawal" as cutting your new teeth of freedom. That is to say, it may be unpleasant for the first little while but you are doing two wonderful things in the midst of all this misery you're feeling: 1. You are riding your body of not only nicotine but a lot of other toxins that you have ingested over a long period of time. It's no wonder your body is doing weird things temporarily. 2. Your are having to retrain your brain to function without cigarettes as part of your daily routine. You're currently on autopilot when it comes to lighting up. Stress at work or at home; light one up. Happy event, light one up. Time to relax, light one up. Sad thing happens, light one up. Meal finished, light one up and on, and on it goes. You now have to figure out how to mentally function day to day so you are not addressing all these things and more by pulling out a smoke and lighting it up. That's a lot of reprogramming going on there. No wonder you're jittery and anxious. It's hard work and takes a while to sort it all out and be comfortable with it all. Try and embrace the fact that you have started down the road a whole new way of functioning. This is the road to freedom that you want so badly. This is what needs to be done to get there and you are finally doing it! Don't fear it so much. Don't dwell on how horrible you feel. You're changing your life for the better and that's a good thing, a happy thing. These feelings of misery won't last that long. Live through them while they're with you because soon you will be in a new healthier world and you'll wonder what the hell all the fuss was about and my God, how could I have smoked like that for so long. It's not that far off if you just quit and stay quit. No puffs, no cigarettes; just quit!
  20. I understand what you're saying but as you said yourself: "I guess I am lucky as I had the determination to get back on the quit and not fully relapse." Yes. Not sure I'd call it lucky. I think your case is a very unusual case though as most people in their very early quit who have "a slip" and smoke one or even just a few puffs, will immediately imprint smoking once again in their brain as being all the good and satisfying things they thought it was when they smoked regularly therefore, they will be even more likely to pick one up at the next slightest inclination. Repeat this action over a day or two and guess what? Back to three packs a day in no time = full relapse. I would bet that this scenario is by far more likely than your recent situation with the smoking of 6 on holiday. That's why we bang on here endlessly about NOPE. One puff leads to one cigarette which leads to the thousands that follow.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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