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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. Yum .... Hash Browns ! Scotch Buns
  2. -11
  3. Holy Cow .... Sonic & Bat in one thread? Must be a full moon or something.
  4. Yeah - feels good to have ever growing quit under your belt doesn't it. Stay vigilant and carry on :)
  5. ^^^ Yes, it is the addiction. It is a strong addiction and it is very crafty but you CAN beat it and already are by coming here and educating yourself about the addiction. Your addiction wants to be fed nicotine. It can't get that unless it convinces YOU to take a cigarette, put it in your mouth and light it so .... YOU have ALL the control here. You also know from reading here and maybe other places too that "just one" is a lie!! It's not possible. Just ask anyone who has relapsed. 1 cigarette or 1 puff - doesn't matter. It feeds the nicotine back into your body and awakens the addiction again making it stronger and you weaker. Don't ever believe what that voice is telling you! Read your list of reasons for quitting and stay strong. That voice will eventually get weaker and weaker - that's a promise!!
  6. Wow NN!! Through that first week where the Nicomonster throws pretty much all he's got at you. Congratulations, we're all proud of you and you should be too! It's not easy and you have to get creative at times to get it done. Keep climbing!!
  7. Your 2 month quit looks great on you Parsley :) Congratulations. Next stop; 1/4 year!
  8. -6
  9. succotash
  10. -7
  11. We're just glad you're still here and quit! It is a tough week but keep at it. You are not completely free and clear of difficulties yet, as I'm sure you already know but, the hardest most unrelenting days are behind you. It will start to get easier from here on. Very slowly but it will start to happen. Also, good things will begin to happen. Better sense of taste & smell, easier breathing and less coughing perhaps. Feel VERY proud of what you've accomplished. It's not easy but it's such a great thing to do for yourself :)
  12. Just a thumbs up to you B57 Good for YOU! Now just keep on moving forward. It'll start getting better and better all the time.
  13. Good to see you getting right back to your quit. You can do this if you truly want it badly enough to never take another puff. Make a list of the reasons you want to quit and keep it handy so you can look at it every time you are tempted to smoke. Post up a thread in the SOS section under "pre-respond to your own SOS". Tell yourself why you should never light up again. Something meaningful to you. That way, if you feel you're about to give in, go there and read it. Remind yourself why quitting is important to you! Develop a tool box of distraction activities you can employ in the early days. Binge watch videos, NetFlix, TV whatever. Go for a walk, take a shower, do whatever you need to to keep yourself from lighting up. Most of all, make a commitment to yourself. You want to quit more than you want to smoke!
  14. Yup - everyone needs a ticker. Great for new quitters to track their saved money and cigs NOT smoked :)
  15. hford - good for you to search deep inside yourself and ask the tough question; "how badly do I want this?". Once you answer that and you decide you want a smoke free life badly enough, all you need then is personal commitment. You know the drill by now. You know what you're facing. It's the same thing all of us face when we quit. Educating yourself about the addiction, keeping a positive mindset throughout your quit and sheer determination through the initial days will get you there. It may not be pleasant but it will work and it will be worth it. You, like us, will see that those difficult days won't last that long. Take it in small bits at first. Hours turn into days, days to weeks etc. YOU can do it :)
  16. Great to hear you are still on board :) And yes, you will start to see some glimmers of light through the 1st week darkness. It happens but just way too slow for our liking. Be patient, keep the quit by not taking even one puff and, before you know it you'll be having more good days than bad :)
  17. Congrats Joe & family - that was a long one :)
  18. Since it's already tomorrow down under, we're starting the celebration! Congratulations helpneeded - way to get it done :) We know that sometimes you felt like you just couldn't carry on but kept pushing ahead anyway. That's the way to do it!! Now, treat yourself to something special as a reward then buckle up for week 2 (not as bad as week 1) :)
  19. Wow! Almost missed it but you are officially 1 Month quit now Peace Train. Congrats!! That 1st month is the toughest and now you're through it. Reward yourself and harden that quit going forward :)
  20. ^^^ G'day :) Think I'll join you for a big cup of NOPE!
  21. -1

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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