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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. Yes, trip to the doc is in order to see if they can recommend something to relieve your issue. They will be thrilled that you are quit smoking so I'm sure will do all they can to make you as comfortable as possible. And yes, don't undo all that hard work you have done. Very proud to call you "A Quitter" :)
  2. -1 Morning
  3. Congratulations Carsmummy on reaching the 2 month milestone! Give yourself a reward then onward to a quarter year!!
  4. ^^^ Ummmm .... yeah, missed that one. You are simply not committed fully to the extent you need to be for a permanent quit if you have smoking material at the ready. Sooner or later, you will light that one up and then, many more after it. Do what you like but we are just passing on what we know to be true from our own quits and others who have gone before us. There's no short-cut; no skipping any steps and no cheating. It's just you against a very powerful addiction. Choose your methods carefully if you're serious about quitting.
  5. 1
  6. Not sure what I was expecting but wasn't anything this nice :P Did he bring anything from the evidence room for ya?
  7. But; have you ever spit your wine??
  8. Cool Dee :D
  9. Hey Andy, nice to see you back noping with us again :)
  10. Oops too late :( 0 So much for taking out DD making any sort of difference :P
  11. No question there's a lot of other crap in cigarettes. There's a list on this site somewhere. Whether or not the mixture of some of those other toxins with nicotine makes a difference in the way smoking cigarettes addicts us to them, I don't know. I quit the cigarettes cold turkey back in January. I'm told the nicotine would be completely out of my body 3-4 days later yet I was still pretty miserable with my quit for much longer than that. Getting your brain re-wired is as tough or even tougher than the physical addiction to nicotine. The thing I don't get is, if someone has gone to all the trouble of ridding their body of nicotine by quitting cigarettes then why would they wish to reintroduce nicotine back into their body through just a different delivery system? Doesn't make sense to me. I'm pretty happy to just get rid of the whole sad process frankly. No more dragging around materials to satisfy my habit/addiction. As indicated by what Dee said above, people seem to view vaping as somehow very different from smoking cigarettes yet, when I see people doing it, there's always a huge cloud of expelled vapor or whatever it is they're exhaling after taking a puff. It may not be cigarette smoke but if someone sat down close to me and started doing that without even asking permission, I'd be in their face pretty quick. I'm betting the rules and regulations around vaping get a lot more clear and a lot stricter in days to come.
  12. -16
  13. Here's a set of rapids you guys can try! Watch out for that last one though .... it's a doozy!!
  14. Good stuff - keep DD off the computer for a few hours so us sticks can make a run at getting a win!
  15. -15
  16. Holly, I like your tag line above your ticker - so true!
  17. I had the "fog" for the 1st month of my quit. Some days worse than others and particularly at the start of my quit so yes, it is pretty common. I have heard that drinking fruit juice can help with that which speaks to the blood-sugar thing you mentioned. I was just too lazy to do anything about it when I was having it. It did eventually go away for me but yeah, it was a pain while I was experiencing it because it really affected my productivity for getting almost anything done. Yes, a blog or a daily journal is a great idea. Would love to review my early days about now. I can remember the generalities but the specifics of just how miserable I was at times during my first week or so quickly fades as you progress.
  18. -15
  19. As long as your quit is still good, that's what matters! And yes, chewing tobacco is definitely gross. I can't even imagine that but I guess it's whatever you get used to doing?
  20. Oh My :( -17
  21. cough metal
  22. Snow Pea

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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