No question there's a lot of other crap in cigarettes. There's a list on this site somewhere. Whether or not the mixture of some of those other toxins with nicotine makes a difference in the way smoking cigarettes addicts us to them, I don't know.
I quit the cigarettes cold turkey back in January. I'm told the nicotine would be completely out of my body 3-4 days later yet I was still pretty miserable with my quit for much longer than that. Getting your brain re-wired is as tough or even tougher than the physical addiction to nicotine. The thing I don't get is, if someone has gone to all the trouble of ridding their body of nicotine by quitting cigarettes then why would they wish to reintroduce nicotine back into their body through just a different delivery system? Doesn't make sense to me.
I'm pretty happy to just get rid of the whole sad process frankly. No more dragging around materials to satisfy my habit/addiction.
As indicated by what Dee said above, people seem to view vaping as somehow very different from smoking cigarettes yet, when I see people doing it, there's always a huge cloud of expelled vapor or whatever it is they're exhaling after taking a puff. It may not be cigarette smoke but if someone sat down close to me and started doing that without even asking permission, I'd be in their face pretty quick. I'm betting the rules and regulations around vaping get a lot more clear and a lot stricter in days to come.