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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. -7
  2. -8
  3. Hi samw and welcome to the QT :) I'm glad you have found that commitment you were looking for! You're right, quitting without total commitment makes the battle that much harder to win. I also found that once I truly started to believe that smoking never did anything positive for me and only enslaved me in a cycle of feeding a deadly addiction, it made things much easier for me to just push aside any urges to smoke. I know why I smoked all those years and now, I know I was just horribly uninformed about what smoking really is. There's a lot of good info. on this site and support too. We have all been there so we truly do understand what it's like to quit. All the best to you sam.
  4. Congrats on making it to the 8 month milestone Dee. Be sure to celebrate then push forward toward that Lido Deck :)
  5. Yay!! That's fabulous news :) What a gift to the 2 of you - double congrats!!
  6. Congrats Jackie on being quit now for 7 full months. Fabulous job and I suspect you are still finding reasons to remain smoke free for good!
  7. Yes, keep trying different approaches until you find a combination that works best for you. I would just caution you not to expect any "quick" solution. In general, most find that the progress is very gradual. It's a process and it takes time but it will happen. Surely you must feel differently now than the first week of your quit - right? But can you tell me which day it changed for you? Probably not because it's a very gradual process. Facing down each of your old smoking triggers and saying NO to lighting up. Each battle you win makes you stronger and weakens the addiction until, before you know it those old triggers don't result in a strong craving any more. Mindset also counts for a lot. Especially in this part of your quit. Focus your mind on all the benefits you are already realizing because you have quit smoking and be careful of looking back at smoking as a pleasurable and relaxing thing because it wasn't in reality. You were just feeding an addiction all those years - that's all. Now you're free of that and your only job is to make sure you stay that way by strengthening your quit. YOU can do it. You're already doing it!!
  8. -12 Not Good :(
  9. -4
  10. -3
  11. Goulash
  12. -3
  13. -2 I\m in for the long haul :)
  14. Not sure what happened there ...................... -5
  15. Oh my ...... Andy's really celebrating large today :o
  16. -1
  17. Congrats H2N! You're only 3 months away from a full year quit. Now, that's exciting!! Hang in there Hope and before you know it, you'll be on the Lido Deck :)
  18. 00
  19. Great news. Keep it up and I hope your shingles issue is done soon!
  20. A huge congratulations to you Andy on being quit for One Full Year!! Nothing short of amazing with all the hard work you have had to do throughout the past year. Take some time to sit back on the Lido Deck & enjoy while we all celebrate your very special milestone. Good job my friend!!
  21. Manage your quit in whatever way you feel is best for you. You don't need to conform to anyone else in terms of how you quit - just make sure YOU DO quit! If that means using patches or whatever other support methods then use those methods. Just never put another cigarette in your mouth and light it! Not 1 Puff Ever!! That is the only way through this journey to come out the other side successfully. And it IS possible as there are many people here on this site with impressive quits to tell the newer people that it can be done. We are no different one person to another - we all struggle in our own ways to break free of this addiction but you need to be prepared to do the heavy lifting when it comes right down to it. We can support you but we can\t quit for you. You need to do that for yourself.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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