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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. Think I need to drink more before I contribute to this thread - be back later :P
  2. Nice work sezwho!! Doing great. Looking forward to seeing your at 1/2 year next month :)
  3. This process IS very slow Jewel, much slower than we would all like but, as others said, you're closer to the good parts than you are to the really bad parts so just push forward, like we all have had to do. Things are slowly improving for you and that will continue. I am still not 100% comfortable in my non-smoking life even after almost 7 months. Don't let that scare you though because, my days (every day) are so much easier than they were even 3 months ago let alone 6 months ago. The good things gradually come to you and the really hard things fade away. It's that way for all of us so just carry on & all that will come to you as well :)
  4. eggplant :bad:
  5. -1
  6. A big congrats PT!! You can now officially start measuring your quit in fractions of a year :) That was a big moment for me - hope it is for you too. I look forward to seeing you build that quit of yours even more. Thanks for helping others here too. It really makes a difference :)
  7. Congrats Jules on reaching the 1/4 year mark!! That's a substantial quit you have built there and you should be very proud. Sorry I didn't get this up on your anniversary date but I hope you celebrated just the same. Look forward to seeing you continue to strengthen your quit :)
  8. Nice job Pumpkin. You're killin' this quit at 4 months already. Wasn't easy but you are doing it up good for sure. Treat yourself to something nice and then carry on my friend. Here's a little Donkey snuggle for ya :)
  9. Potato
  10. -14
  11. Sausages (that one is for Doreen :) ) I know - been a tough week. Will be gone for some days coming up too. Life stuff happens whether we smoke or not - go figure :)
  12. -14
  13. That really becomes "the long game" right? Just making sure you don't do something stupid like thinking you can handle just one or two cigs then carry on with your smoke-free life.
  14. Nerds
  15. -14
  16. In terms of a reward??? Just go with what ever you fancy and seems appropriate I guess. As far as future BLOG entries, I think I would just make an entry every week from here on. Summary of challenges faced or benefits realized. It seems to me that earlier on there are changes week to week. Later on, those changes get less pronounced I think. Maybe just post something when you realize something has changed later on? I wish I had have done a BLOG because it would have been interesting to see the progression after the fact. Things become less clear pretty quickly so writing things down is a great idea I think :)
  17. Where I live, a large pack was about $12.50/pack when I quit in January 2017 but I know they have gone up since then so not sure where they are at just now. I do know that in Australia they are unbelievably expensive - like double what you are talking about here. Still, people smoke there. Now, that's just nuts!! Can you imagine paying over $1.00/cigarette?
  18. Nice Work John! 7 months is solid and you are getting ever closer to that 1 year mark :)
  19. -14
  20. Hi Jimmyss :) Where you at now?
  21. Sounds like you have learned lessons from your previous quit, which is a really big bonus in making this one permanent! This quitting thing does really strange things to our bodies. I can believe virtually anything about changes that happen which people would not think could be an effect from quitting smoking. The affects seem to vary a lot from person to person. The good news is, in the end, it all balances out eventually :)
  22. Hi Jayhawk! Your quit sounds like my own in the early days. Pretty much went cold turkey which isn't easy but get everything out of the way as quickly as possible so nothing to address later on other than reprogramming your brain to life life comfortably as a non-smoker. Anyway, looks like you're doing great so far so hang around here and participate regularly. That's another thing that will help to make that young quit really solid for you. Look forward to seeing you quit progress :)
  23. Hope you had a GREAT Day!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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