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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. Huge accomplishment Jack getting through that 1st month! It's the hardest bit to get through so I hope you rewarded yourself for this great achievement and are now moving forward in month 2. Check in with us and let us know how you're doing :)
  2. You talking to ME?
  3. I've been away without access to a computer and my data base of quit dates and I know I have missed posting up some anniversaries. I will catch up and we'll have a mass celebration when I get back in the saddle later this week. Stay strong everyone and keep your quits :)
  4. Big Congrats Gemzee. 4 Years is awesome :)
  5. Hang in there bjean!! This quitting thing can be ugly particularly in that first week but IT DOES GET BETTER. You just have to do whatever is needed to get through the first nasty bit. The the anxiousness and resulting anger, frustration, whatever symptom you are feeling is very common but you just need to ride it out. I think I basically ready everything on this site I could find and binge watched videos that first week or so. I was a wreck at work as my focus was totally gone BUT; I DID make it eventually just by refusing to give in to the addiction. It was tough but well worth it. Now, any thoughts I have about smoking are just passing toughts, not cravings or urges to smoke - just thoughts about smoking. I can hardly even see myself as a smoker these days so you just hang in there bjean. You'll be fine if you just NOPE!!
  6. Hey - thanks Guys & Gals :) I really appreciate all the support I get here on the quit train. It's been a HUGE part of the success I have had in quitting. I have been away and still am with almost no computer access so won't be annoying all of you until mid-week next week :P I do want to say that I have been very pleasantly surprised about my reactions to smoking while I have been travelling this past week. This is the first time travelling since I quit smoking in January. Been around a ton of smokers almost everywhere I've been and have been in a lot of situations where I was used to smoke myself before and all of this stuff has not made me even think about wanting to smoke. Not even in the slightest :) When I have seen others smoking around me I just think; "sure glad that's not me anymore" :D I was a little worried that these different surroundings and circumstances might give me some big cravings again but ..... NOPE!!
  7. Hi bjean and welcome to this bunch of quitters :) Quitting smoking is the best thing you can do for yourself and yes, it's hard work BUT it's very possible as I can attest to myself. I'm not that far ahead of you really and I too quit cold turkey (no NRT or what not) just so I could get the nicotine out of me asap. You've received great info from the others already and it's all very true. Focus one minute at a time, 1 hour at a time or one day at a time at first. Take smoking off the table completely.. This does gradually get better with time. The first while is very hard work but soooo worth it in the end!! Keep at it bjean :) I've been away the past week and still am with almost no computer access but I'll look forward to watching your progress when I get back to normal next week.
  8. True :) N.P. likes dogs more than cats?
  9. Dill Pickle
  10. 3
  11. I had some symptoms from quitting that lasted for months but eventually went away so yes, your body will adjust at some point. If you are concerned about anything, speak to your Dr. about it. In terms of the strong cravings, I know that I was still getting cravings to smoke in my 2nd month of quitting. I think it was almost 3 months before cravings turned into mere thoughts about smoking. I still think about it probably daily but it's just a thought - not a craving to light up a smoke. In fact, at this point, I find it hard to imagine myself as a smoker. I sometimes think; Gee, it would be really nice to have a smoke right now. Then, I really think about it and I absolutely know that if I ever lit up a smoke, I would be VERY disappointed after I smoked the one cigarette - I just know this would be the result so I completely dismiss the thought and that's that :D
  12. 2
  13. You're probably right. That's OK though because it's been cold & rainy this summer where I am so laying by the pool in 100+ degree heat will be just what I need ;)
  14. Good job Colleen :) Weight reduction is not easy and takes a lot of self discipline.
  15. True :) NP has been hospitalized as a result of misadventure at least once in their life?
  16. eggs benedict
  17. 1
  18. 1 Geez!!
  19. Or .........................................
  20. Coleen s/b 4 I will be 5 :)
  21. 8
  22. ate

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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