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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. Toast :)
  2. OO
  3. Tofu :gagging-928: :gagging-928: :gagging-928: :gagging-928:
  4. OO
  5. I think it's already been said very well by others bjean. Smoking really did occupy so much of our time and it invaded so many of our activities and thought processes that retraining our minds to function happily without cigarettes is the real challenge of quitting I think. It takes quite a while and we have to experience all those emotional situations at least once then figure out how to handle them without smoking. As you go through the entire list of things the whole process gets easier and easier the longer you continue moving forward. It is a tiring process though to be sure. It's relentless for the first while. I too was just exhausted most days in the early part of my quit and looked forward to getting to bed each night even though I knew I wouldn't sleep the whole night. Unfortunately, there's no easy way through all this stuff. You have to just go through it all to come out the other side. Once you do though, it's magnificent and you'll never have to do it again providing you just continue to NOPE!
  6. Congrats on getting through that 1st workday :) It's amazing how many different triggers there are for our smoking. Sadness, happiness, boredom, stress and the list goes on and on. Not only are you getting that nicotine out of your body but you are starting down the road of teaching yourself how to live and function happily without including a cigarette in the process. That is the real challenge in quitting as far as I'm concerned. I too was totally surprised when I began posting in this community just over 7 months ago as to how much of a help sharing my experience with like minded souls actually was. It's comforting and uplifting and the odd part is, none of knows each other but before long, you really feel like this is a family of sorts. Keep up the good work Shanakor!!
  7. False TNP has tried surfing at least once in their life?
  8. enchiladas
  9. -12
  10. I think we, as a community, CAN help in that we are here as other people that have gone through the exact same thing that each new quitter goes through. No, we can't quit for someone BUT, we can be here as a non-judgemental community where a new quitter can come to vent, complain, ask for help or just celebrate their successes as they move through the process. I also think we all benefit from participating here. Why else would people with 4 & 5 year quits still be hanging around? Yes - we CAN help. We just can't do the really hard work for anyone. That my friend is up to you and only you!
  11. I agree with what Boo said - I have been surprised at what my reactions to certain situations would be. In reality, when I faced those situations, my reaction was completely different to what I thought it would be. On the other hand - the most dangerous situations I have faced are those that were totally unexpected. Some life situation that has come along unexpectedly and bit me in the A** and I almost caved in and lit up a smoke. That Nicodemon knows exactly when to come calling - at your weakest moment. You have to be ever vigilant :)
  12. You know it's "official" when the Queen approves!!
  13. Couldn't be better because, I'm a "NON - SMOKER" :D
  14. Reciprocity


    I have a friend that lives in Antigua and I communicated with him 2 days ago but no word since. They got hit pretty hard I believe so I hope he's OK :huh:
  15. ^^^^ Yeah - check in with us kad657! You will need support if you are serious about quitting. Tell us what's going on with your quit. How are you coping with things?
  16. True! NP has had an operation in hospital at least once in their life?
  17. -5
  18. Sound like you may be overthinking the quitting thing Shanakor. Make no mistake about it, this quitting thing is no walk in the park although attitude and outlook can make things easier or more difficult for you. YOU have to do the hard work and in order to get that done you really have to WANT to quit or your junkie brain will make an excuse to enable you to light up again. In the early days, take things 1 minute, 1 hour at a time. Some days, you may just have to power through the tough times. Come here for support and to lend support to others often. This really helps. Lending support and sharing your journey with others really helps to strengthen your own quit. It really surprised me just how big a component of my own quit this became. Lastly, never ever be ashamed of trying to quit such a deadly addiction. It's not easy to do but very possible and so worth it once you really do it.
  19. Well done bjean! That 1st week is without question the most difficult. You seem to have a really great attitude toward this quitting thing. Take it a bit at a time is right at this stage. Before you know it, your time as a non-smoker will start to pile up :)
  20. Reciprocity


    Pick yourself up and try again Wizmo! Anyone can do this quitting thing if they want it badly enough. You just have to be prepared to put in a lot of hard work for awhile as you not only rid your body of nicotine but as you also start rewiring your brain to function normally as a non-smoker. That's really the hardest part as far as I'm concerned and takes the longest too. Just say NOPE every day. It's really that simple :)
  21. Great Job Jayhawk. That's exactly how it's done. Focus on the short term and before your know it, weeks and months will pass by in your new smoke-free life. You are over the worst of it now so you just have to remain disciplined and watch out for that Nicodemon who will try and tempt you at your weakest moments. Before you know if, those random thoughts about smoking will be fewer and fewer. Keep up the good work :)
  22. Congratulations on reaching the 1/4 Year mark smoke-free B57! It hasn't been easy but I bet you are very happy you made the decision to quit and, you should be very proud of what you have accomplished. It's tough work and you're getting it done like a star :) Reward yourself with something special and continue moving forward.
  23. Big congrats. KP :) 3 Months is a big milestone to reach. Hope you're enjoying your smoke-free life and please stop by some time and say hello!
  24. Congrats Jackie on reaching the 8 month mark without smoking. Hope you're enjoying your smoke free life to the fullest!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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