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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. -3
  2. Good for you KT! I also like that you have made a list of the reasons you have quit and will use it as a go to when you start feeling weak in the early days. That will help your motivation. Prepare to keep yourself distracted for the next week or so as your body and brain adjusts to life without smoking. Deep breathing exercises will help and keep yourself hydrated. Lots of water or fruit juice also helps. Keep reading all you can here to about the addiction. You are now a non-smoker so, you need to just take smoking off the table in your mind now. Smoking is just no longer an option for you! You'll do fine KT :) Looking forward to following your journey with you.
  3. The seasonal triggers are why they say you need to commit for a year to some sort of support community because until you have gone through all those seasonal change-overs, you haven't exhausted your triggers to smoke even though you feel you are over the worst of your cravings.We have had an unusually warm Sept. where I live and it is supposed to continue for another week so we have yet to move into that Fall or Autumn season, I agree with what you said though Jryan, fall used to be a time when I liked to smoke in particular. The cool crisp air, burning leaves on an outdoor fire and gatherings for Thanksgiving. Just thinking about that in advance helps me prepare for it though. I can now look forward to new experiences when the weather does turn cooler :)
  4. So. she would have been peeing & smoking if you had come a few minutes later? Even a bad cell phone pic of that would have been hilarious :)
  5. See what you started Bakon :P 5
  6. Fore!!
  7. Every quit is different is what I have heard Jess so what you may have experienced in past attempts may not be what you will experience this time around but, you WILL get through it and it WILL get easier to manage the longer you stick to the NOPE. Do what you have to do to distract yourself in these early days and things will smooth out in fairly short order. Come here for support when you want it. We're here for you :)
  8. Oh Wow!! That's great PT :) And yes, the first time I traveled was so great! No stepping outside for that last smoke before getting on the plane and no rushing to the exit on arrival. It was just so ........ well, NORMAL! And, every time I saw people smoking around me I just thought about how happy I was that I was no longer a slave to the addiction. I hope you experience the same thing :D
  9. -3 Hey - I said nothing ......... LOL
  10. Congratulations Parsley on reaching yet another milestone in your quit journey. I hope you are enjoying your smoke free life :)
  11. 1
  12. Starting early here too!
  13. Reciprocity


    Hey - someone has to police this place :)
  14. 1
  15. Congrats on day 1 KT :) Come join us in the Friday Sept. 22, 2017 NOPE Pledge thread (it's on the main board screen about half way done) and make your daily nope pledge. It really helps to get you focused for the day. Come here as often as you want to. We love to lend our support to new quitters. There's also a games section here to is you;re looking to distract yourself for a while and all kinds of social posts too that you're welcome to join in on. We're a fun bunch but we do take our quitting very seriously :)
  16. OO Morning ......................
  17. Congratulations on reaching another milestone in your journey to freedom Jayhawk! Despite all the obstacles you managed to keep your focus and commitment and get the job done. Celebrate the occasion then carry on my friend. You're doing great :)
  18. OO
  19. Ah .... um .....um .... ah ..... FALSE! NP has fainted at least once in their life?
  20. 1
  21. ^^^ Heed the advice if you are thinking about quitting or even if you have quit but are having trouble staying quit. No matter how difficult you may think quitting is or might be, dying or living without limbs would be much worse!!
  22. Aren't we getting creative?
  23. The eating or smoking kind? Ham

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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