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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. 1
  2. Nice one :)
  3. Another important thing for the early part of your quit KT - don't look too far ahead. Take it 1 day, 1 hour, even 1 minute at a time for now. That's why we commit to NOPE daily because we are just telling ourselves that we will not take one puff ever for today :) And don't be afraid or scared about quitting. Be excited about it!! If you were getting the best possible gift imaginable, tomorrow morning would you be scared about that? Of course not. Don't be afraid of failing either because YOU are completely in control starting tomorrow. You decide whether you smoke or not from here on in!
  4. It's strange where I am this summer was wet, cooler than normal through the whole summer. Now since Sept. has come, it's been hot and dry for the past 3 weeks. Supposed to continue through next week too. Weird weather patterns these days?
  5. Oh Boy!! Only 3 more sleeps?
  6. Congratulations! Have a Happy Birthday. I'll bring the beer for your party :)
  7. Hi KT 1973!! You are more than welcome to join our family of quitters here :) This is a small but very dedicated group of people who all share the same thing ..... an addiction to nicotine and a strong desire to achieve freedom from that. You will get lots more advice from others as well so I'll keep this short for now. Number one suggestion is to read the "pinned" threads on the Quit Smoking Discussion board that you'll see on the main board. Education about this addiction is key to helping you quit. Just as key is a commitment from you to see it through NO MATTER WHAT! Take the NOPE pledge every day with us (it's also on the main board). NOPE stands for Not One Puff Ever. The whole thing is really that simple. Not easy to do but very simple. In terms of how to cope with not smoking or without the e-cig. you just have to do it. The longest part and perhaps the hardest part of quitting is having your brain retrain itself to function comfortably without smoking. It takes a while but it WILL happen for you just like it has for everyone else who sticks it out. I would suggest changing up your routine even just in small ways. Jump right into the shower first thing in the morning, when you were probably used to lighting up before. Maybe lay off the coffee for a while if you were used to smoking with a coffee. Come here and read, watch the videos, post up and tell us how you're doing. Distract yourself in what ever way you can. Drink lots of water too. Keep hydrated. Like I said, you'll get loads of advice from others here too. I look forward to seeing you start down the road to freedom KT!! (So much for me keeping it short?? lol)
  8. 1
  9. Jewel you have a great quit going and you are absolutely right about how easy it would be to lose it just by being over confident or letting down your guard even just for a minute. I think about that every time a thought of smoking comes to mind, which isn't very often now days :) It would be devastating to me to lose my quit after this long and this much hard work for months and months. But, the great part for me is that when I think about myself as a smoker now days, I really can't see it in my mind. It just seems so not me anymore! Keep holding on to that great quit Jewel and extend it even further, Things will get even better in the months to come :)
  10. This is for ALL you chicks!!
  11. 1
  12. Just as we were on a roll too :(
  13. Hey welcome to our family Jryan :) You have certainly got a very respectable quit going there. I get what you are saying about wanting to see your children grow and their children too. It's great that this thought was likely a big part of the reason you quit - we all need one very special motivator, right? The great news for you is that you quit while you are still pretty young. A lot younger than many of us anyway. There's never any "sure thing" when it comes to our lives but you at least took action early on to give yourself the best chance possible to realize your dreams so, be proud of that and treat yourself well from here on. That's the best and the only thing you can do for yourself now. You have a lot to be happy and proud about :)
  14. Penguins are on the way down - Leafs on the way up :P
  15. Cograts. on 1/2 year quit!! We tried to come visit for your 6 Month Anniversary but ..................
  16. You sure he won't be working that day keeping our streets safe?
  17. I even got him a present :)
  18. Very nice to hear from you again PS :) Your post is very uplifting and well written and so true. I'm thrilled you are doing so well now and yes, the choice does become easier and easier with time. Congratulations on your 1/2 year milestone and thanks for dropping by. Hopefully you'll stop by again. We'll do it up big for your 1 year anniversary :)
  19. Congratulations Peace Train! 4 months is a fabulous quit you have built. Celebrate this milestone and carry on to month 5 :)
  20. looks like earthworms as a side dish? Empanadas
  21. OO
  22. -1
  23. Twinkies
  24. Hahaha Babs said "titwank!!" 2
  25. Wow - a 1/2 year quit already!! Congratulations. Stop by and let us know how you're doing sometime. You must be really enjoying your smoke-free life I'm guessing :) Be sure to celebrate this accomplishment!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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