Hi KT 1973!! You are more than welcome to join our family of quitters here :) This is a small but very dedicated group of people who all share the same thing ..... an addiction to nicotine and a strong desire to achieve freedom from that.
You will get lots more advice from others as well so I'll keep this short for now. Number one suggestion is to read the "pinned" threads on the Quit Smoking Discussion board that you'll see on the main board. Education about this addiction is key to helping you quit. Just as key is a commitment from you to see it through NO MATTER WHAT! Take the NOPE pledge every day with us (it's also on the main board). NOPE stands for Not One Puff Ever. The whole thing is really that simple. Not easy to do but very simple.
In terms of how to cope with not smoking or without the e-cig. you just have to do it. The longest part and perhaps the hardest part of quitting is having your brain retrain itself to function comfortably without smoking. It takes a while but it WILL happen for you just like it has for everyone else who sticks it out.
I would suggest changing up your routine even just in small ways. Jump right into the shower first thing in the morning, when you were probably used to lighting up before. Maybe lay off the coffee for a while if you were used to smoking with a coffee. Come here and read, watch the videos, post up and tell us how you're doing. Distract yourself in what ever way you can. Drink lots of water too. Keep hydrated.
Like I said, you'll get loads of advice from others here too. I look forward to seeing you start down the road to freedom KT!!
(So much for me keeping it short?? lol)