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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. 4
  2. TOO
  3. 1
  4. You better come back Jan. 29th 2018 for my Lido Deck Party :D I'll be very disappointed if you don't show up :( Much good fortune and happiness in your travels - no phone sounds GREAT! I left mine at home when I went on Vacation. Who needs it :P
  5. NOPE! NP prefers hot weather over cold weather
  6. That is what led me to finally decide to fight this addiction. I was so sick all of January and STILL smoking!! One day I was puffing and coughing away like crazy and I finally realized just how crazy it was so I said "ENOUGH!!!" That was Jan. 28th and I quit early morning Jan. 29th. So far ..... so good :D
  7. It's "Top-Secret". Bat tried to get it out of him once through torture but .......... got nothing :o
  8. -1 Where's Bakon these days. We could use some support here. Did his bus finally come for him?
  9. +1
  10. Congratulations Pedro!! 9 months is 3/4 of the way to that Lido Deck. We'll be having a lot of big celebrations come next January :) Great Job! Let me pour you a drink to celebrate :lol:
  11. 3
  12. There was certainly a lot. I know I'm stuffed!
  13. 3
  14. LOL Please don't punch me in the gonads :o :o :o In my own defense I refer you to MQ's profile page where his quit date at the bottom states 10/07/13 (Oct. 7th 2013) Also, in his blog there, paragraph 8, 2nd sentence he makes reference to quitting October 7th 2013. Not sure why the counter is still showing almost a week, the question is, what is the REAL quit date? Was it perhaps the 17th October 2013? I think we should plan yet another celebration for that date :)
  15. 3
  16. Too bad I had to work today, catching up from my time off. This would never have happened :angry: +1
  17. I doubt you will ever forget that and become complacent. That just wouldn't be you :) I did see a lady at the resort one evening sitting outside in one of the designated smoking areas and she had one arm amputated above the elbow and her feet/ankles were both very discolored. Not sure if any of that had anything to do with smoking but I certainly thought of the story you have related to us about your own experience and I wondered about her sitting there puffing away :o
  18. -4 Looks like another day of battling chicks!
  19. 1
  20. Yes, absolutely but I am always hesitant to post up stuff about having urges or cravings to smoke after a fairly long quit just because new quitters might interpret that as the kind of all consuming craves they battle early on. It really isn't like that at all but the idea is that this IS a deep seeded addiction and I don't think it ever completely disappears from your random thought process. It becomes very easily managed and those thought don't come very often but it's never like you never smoked in your life. You simply can't erase those thousands of imprints you have made upon you brain over your smoking years so certain situations will come along even years down the road where your brain will link something to smoking. The good news is that once you have truly decided that you are done with the deadly addiction, it's pretty easy to manage anything that somes at you and it only becomes easier and easier every day you keep your NOPE pledge!
  21. I'm sorry to hear your Mom has health issues. It is tough on everyone in the family. You are in my thoughts Dee. Stay strong for your Mom Dee as she will need your support. We are here for you when you need a place to come and just unload and unwind.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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