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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. 6
  2. 7
  3. Great work B57! 5 months smoke free is a wonderful achievement! You should be very proud of this accomplishment I think I remember you saying something about wanting to prove to yourself that you could do this. Well; now you are Hope you are enjoying your smoke-free life.
  4. Great work T4S!! 5 days is really good and some of the toughest battles you will face in this process of quitting. Keep your determination strong and after each battle you win with the craving, pat yourself on the back for a job well done. Each battle you win makes YOU stronger and the addiction weaker. It does take time and in the beginning it feels like time is standing still but all you need to do is keep on the path of not smoking and you will end up victorious Stay close to the board here and let us help you through by supporting you and providing information to you as well. You CAN do this!
  5. 5
  6. Why not post up in the introduction thread JKPK and tell us about yourself and your quit. How long have you been quit, what are the struggles you're facing etc. We can possibly help you with information and support. You know, I have found that the more people participate here on the forum, the more successful they tend to be at quitting. Not sure what that is. Maybe an indication about their level of commitment or something. Anyway, it seems to help. Good job on not choosing to smoke again. Stay strong and fight through those early days. Come here for support and post up an SOS if you need help with it
  7. Hi Bev and welcome to our community. Glad to hear you have decided to quit smoking for good this time. It's a deadly addiction that only takes from us and give noting back.Please spend some time reading our information here in the "Pinned" threads at the top of the page. Education about this addiction is a key tool in helping you quit. It's true that temporary weight gain is an issue for some while quitting. You can address that once your quit is secure. You can also take a look at your diet and make adjustments there to help avoid excessive weight gain. Beginning an exercise routine can also help. I will let others give you more info, about that aspect of quitting. Again, welcome and congratulations on being 6 days quit already!!
  8. +2
  9. OO
  10. -2
  11. ^^^ YES! Commitment, commitment, commitment!! Be committed to yourself! This is the way through the difficult times. There's no shortcuts unfortunately.
  12. Oh and also, now there is a functioning chat feature on this board so you can use that to have some one on one time with another member(s) if you feel you want some additional support in the early days of your quit. Gather all the tools you can to fight for your freedom!
  13. What Doreen said Lisa. Feeling terrible about "choosing to smoke" again will not help you at all. Use this disappointment to double down on your determination to quit and stay quit! You need to want to quit MORE than you want to smoke again. Post an SOS if this happens again and let someone talk to you about what you are throwing away if you smoke even just one. We know these early days are tough. They were tough for all of us. No one is special in that regard. There were some times when I wanted to crawl into a hole and just hide or sleep and just not be wanting to smoke any more. We all have those times but you need to do whatever you need to in order to get past those moments. They will not last forever but, the addiction will if you keep feeding it. Let us help you with this Lisa. Come here as often as you can and read, post and interact with us so we know best how we can help you. You CAN do this Lisa
  14. Oops ................. 2 I seem to be having issues as well
  15. 20
  16. In case you're new to the forum, here's some more information on this important feature. There is a separate page for SOS posts. You'll see it at the top of the main page of the forum. There are two options to choose from: Pre Respond to Your Own SOS & Post an SOS. The difference between these options are this: Pre Respond to your own SOS is where you an write a message to yourself about why you quit in the first place and why you must not relapse and smoke again. That will stay there and if you ever feel the need to give yourself a pep-talk, your own words are there for you to read immediately. The Post an SOS option is where you will post a message to let other members know you are struggling to keep your precious quit. People will respond as soon as they see it. You must wait to get responses before doing anything else. The idea behind both of these emergency options is to replace those overwhelming thoughts about needing to smoke a cigarette with more rational thoughts that this is just your addiction screaming out to be fed once again. Smoking again will only reawaken your addiction to nicotine to it's full strength again and it will destroy all the hard work you have already invested into quitting so it's critical that you do not smoke again - Not One Puff Ever!! Don't ever be embarrassed to post an SOS! It will very likely save your quit. We are all overwhelmed at times in the early days of our quits - ALL of us! There's no shame in posting an SOS in fact, it's the smartest thing you could possibly do for yourself
  17. 2
  18. 4
  19. Fore
  20. 7 mornin
  21. I'll take that as a compliment
  22. fore!
  23. -2

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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