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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. Great stuff - love it!! You really do need to reward yourself along the way so you always have something to look forward to. 1st month is a huge accomplishment so .... deserves a huge reward Now, if we could only get Doreen to jump on a new tablet
  2. Reciprocity

    November 7 2017

    Absolutely Lisa. You are right. We are all individuals and have different ways of getting to our destination. We are all here to do our best to help new quitters along and we suffer through their difficulties as well as help them celebrate their victories. We are also devastated when one of our family falls off the train because we know how hard they have worked and how disappointed they must be to have to start over again but, the main thing is that you DO start over again. Don't let yourself be another hapless victim to this killer addiction! You will get some members speaking more directly about things than others (tough love) because, as you state, we're all individuals but we all have the same goal in mind - to help you quit Rome wasn't built in a day. Sometimes it takes several attempts to find what works for YOU. We are here to help you do that - find your permanent quit by letting you know the realities as we have seen them and to let you know what has worked and what has not worked for us. This addiction is powerful and will try and trick you into compromising. Don't ever do that!! Stick to your plan and just NOPE!
  3. Yes! That's what we believe here too. Quitting is a lot easier if you can have some fun and laugh along the way. Doesn't have to be all doom & gloom
  4. Stick around here for a while ...................... you've only scratched the surface
  5. -4 Hey! Don't you have some bar tending to do or something? I'll have a margarita please
  6. +1
  7. Yes, I'm talking to you Bev, Thik4Sho, JKPK & LisaMK Congrats to all of you for deciding to take back your life and quit this horrible addiction. We know it's really difficult in the early days because we have all been there. Whether you are going cold turkey or using some NRT assistance, those early days are tough. I remember feeling like every day was one long, disorienting marathon that always ended in exhaustion ....... kind of like this......... The good news is, it does get better and easier as long as you just maintain your NOPE! It does for all of us and you are no exception. It's a slow process but providing you don't smoke, you WILL find freedom and take back your life
  8. So good to see you right back on the train Lisa!! You CAN do this Just take it one day at a time or even 1 hour at a time.
  9. Yes, congrats on reaching Day 7 T4S!! It is a huge accomplishment. Those first days are a real eye opener but they can be handled by just doing whatever you need to do to distract yourself from the cravings and the uncomfortable symptoms of quitting. Those are all temporary but the reward of better health once your quit is secured will be permanent. Good Job - now keep climbing We're routing for ya!
  10. Congrats on day 7 Bev!! That's a big milestone. They call that first week "Hell Week". Bet you can guess why Keep moving forward because each day you will get stronger and the addiction will get weaker - you'll see. It doesn't happen as fast as we would like but, keep true to the NOPE (Not One Puff Ever) and it WILL happen for you as is has for us!
  11. +1
  12. I'm here!! I'm driving the train today too Oops ... was I supposed to make that turn?
  13. 3
  14. Welcome "officially" JKPK as I have seen your blog earlier. Glad you posted up to tell us about yourself. We are all traveling the path to freedom and helping each other along the way. Stick around and stay active here and you'll see, as we all have, that sharing the experience - both the struggles and the joys, will help you a lot! Again, welcome and great work on getting to 12 days. Stay strong!!
  15. Huge congratulations IGT for reaching the 1 month smoke free milestone. That's a HUGE accomplishment We're so happy you decided to join us and shaare your quitting journey with us. Be sure to reward yourself today for all your hard work.
  16. OO
  17. +1
  18. OO
  19. Oh, oh. Based on sticks posts, I'd say we won fair & square
  20. Oh my 19?
  21. 16
  22. 15
  23. 6

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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