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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. Good to see you back PP! (Ha, Ha .... I love saying Pee Pee )
  2. PP - 4 Rec -3
  3. -2 If you guys are done with your Turkey, send me the left overs ........... (please)!
  4. T2B, you have identified your "major trigger" so you know when you need to really put your commitment into gear, at least in the early stages of your quit. I don't know your situation but I do know that life never stays the same! Things change and can do quite unexpectedly and very dramatically. It did for us ( me & the wifey) this year (I won't go into details). You need to focus your commitment on YOUR long game. You and only you will be with you for the rest of your life. Make that life the very best quality you can and do it NOW! Everything else will change as life goes on but you can control your own quality of life going forward
  5. -2
  6. T2B - I did horrible at doing all the right things during my quit. I ate poorly and drank more beer than I probably should have - fortunately, drinking beer didn't make me want to smoke or I would have lost my quit because too much alcohol does it for a lot of people. But in the end for me, it was just sheer determination to never smoke again that got me through the tough part. Anyone can do it if they are committed but, that's the real key ..... personal commitment. You're doing this for you - not anyone else so it has to come from within YOU!
  7. -4
  8. Hey! I'm not even sure it's his anniversary. I saw it listed every month on the Q.T. calendar so, this could be another "fake celebration"!! Ask the boss-man about that .......... he knows
  9. -4
  10. -4
  11. Yes, I just wrote in your other thread about how I was the same for the first week or even two of my quit. Pretty tired all the time and had the brain fog too so was not at the top of my game productivity wise but, it does eventually go away and the results are worth it so ..... just get it done and out of the way. That's the only way past it all
  12. For the first week or two at least, I was exhausted at the end of every day just from dealing with quitting smoking - forget everything else that life would normally throw at you. I so looked forward to getting into bed each night and just closing my eyes then off to sleep for at least a while. I think that's pretty normal to be really tired all the time at first. Just remember to eat well and keep hydrated - those two are important. I didn't really do too well with those so .... do as I say; not as I do - lol.
  13. -3
  14. -3
  15. Get it done now T2B. Those hefty tax increases might be coming as soon as next March (Federal Budget time?). If I had my ticker thing going, I could show you just how much I've saved since I quit in Jan. of this year. It's a big bag of cash by now, that's for sure. You CAN do it if you put your mind to it and stick with it. Help the government get to that 5% smoking population - I've done my part
  16. ^^^ Good for you T2B
  17. -3
  18. Congratulations Rowly on being quit for 3 years! That's something to be proud of for sure. Hope you celebrate the occasion
  19. -4
  20. -5
  21. HI Jules I'm sorry to hear you didn't stick to your earlier quit commitment but glad you are back here to get it done properly this time. You have learned a lesson that many learn the same way you did. There is just ONE rule in the quitting thing .... Not One Puff Ever! (NOPE). It's really that simple and now you know why. Keep that lesson in mind as you make your way through your quit and you will do just fine!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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