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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. That's why it really takes a full year to solidify your quit 100% because we have to have time to face all situation where in the past we'd light up a smoke and we have to consciously decide NOT to light up now that we've quit. Every one of those situations you meet with and make the right choice NOT to light up, it makes your quit that much stronger. After your recent experience with this person; the next time you meet up with them, you won't automatically think of lighting up. That's progress! It's these small individual battles you win that will eventually get you to where you want to be ... Quit for life!!
  2. Started with patches then forgot to put one on after a shower the next day and never put one on after that. They seem to help some people over the worst of the withdrawals in the early days/weeks but sooner or later you gotta go without them so for me, I didn't see the point and just went cold turkey. When it comes down to it, you gotta get through based on your own desire and determination to be quit, There's no short cuts and nothing is going to do the hard work for you. It's all up to you!
  3. Hey there @Gattu Joshi! Glad you decided to check in here. We are a community of people from all over the Globe who have one thing in common - we're all quitters! We share our experiences, both good & bad, we celebrate each other's successes and we support everyone who is in need. Maybe have a look at the videos that are in the "Joel Spitzer's Quit Smoking Video Library" thread. Those are surprisingly honest examples of why smoking defies common sense and robs us of our health, money & our freedom to live life on our own terms; the way it should be. Hope you stick around. I think you'll find it helpful if you do!
  4. NOPE! (In honour of the snow & -28C temps we had yesterday)
  5. Congrats @Genecanuck! 5 Months is spectacular, almost a half year ... can you believe it? It's been quite a journey and it's not over yet so keep the failth. It will only continue to get easier all the time now. Enjoy the ride buddy; you're on your way!! A little something to warm you up during this Polar Vortex we're suffering now!
  6. If anyone's concerned that increased stress levels from quitting smoking may help initiate a shingles outbreak, they should get the shringrex vaccine before quitting; problem solved!
  7. Amen!
  8. In the early days/weeks of our quit it's easy to become weak of mind at times and that's when our addiction takes over. That voice in your head trying to make you believe it would be very easy and really nice to just go buy a pack and light up. Problem is; if you do you're immediately deflated once you've taken those first few puffs, knowing you've just thrown away all you've worked for. Yep! Right back to square one and often, you're reluctant to take that first step again so it's imperative that you hold on to what you have now! Don't buy that pack - don't light one up - don't take that first puff - don't throw away the fledgling quit you've built! You'll be happy & proud you didn't do it.
  9. Hope you had a fabulous day reflecting about how much better your life is since you committed to the quit @BAT Congrats on 11 years ... FABULOUS!
  10. 6. Replace water with ice cold vodka in your pie crust recipe to make your crust more flakey.
  11. Naps are Good! I like naps ...
  12. Good to hear
  13. 8. Deep fried Eggplant ()

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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