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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. Absolutely it's OK - not only OK but highly encouraged to not only stay here but also to participate as much as you can. That will help you to stay focused on your quit. We know you have a personal challenge to handle at the same time as you are handling your quit. Always remember that smoking will NEVER help any personal issues any of us might have. Smoking only adds to our problems. It always takes - never gives back to us. Smoking only feeds the addiction and sets up the next cycle of anxiety that will need to be satisfied by having another "fix". Break the cycle T2B - you CAN do it
  2. ate
  3. Smoke on my 10 Month Quit Anniversary??? NOPE!
  4. Good stuff Jules!! I love how excited you are about turning your back on smokes in a stressful situation. This show just how committed you are to this quit. As Boo said, it is real progress when you finally realize that smoking does nothing to make your life situations any better.
  5. ^^^ It will rub off in Saint John. Them folks are a different breed
  6. ^^^ I think we all find that moment in our own time. Just depends on how your life plays out. I was never exposed to smokers for over 6 months of my quit - just the way it went for me. I couldn't tell what my reaction would be but when the time came ...... as it turned out, it was quite uplifting for me when I was exposed to a lot of people smoking around me
  7. True but, not as many as I once did. I never really became comfortable with digital greetings - at least from family & close friends. NP likes the turkey stuffing almost more than the turkey itself?
  8. That happened to me when I was in Las Vegas back in August this year All kinds of people smoking and I just felt sorry for them because they were still slaves to their addiction and I wasn't feeling like smoking at all in fact, it repulsed me to think about smoking again. That was the first time I had been exposed to a lot of smokers since my quit. That is when I truly realized I had actually quit for good
  9. tree
  10. One
  11. Yay Sticks !!!
  12. 19
  13. 18
  14. Ummm ................... NOPE! Sausages!
  15. 16
  16. LOL - You kidding?? FALSE! NP has particular Christmas movies they watch ever year?
  17. 14
  18. 12
  19. tin
  20. False NP has already put up their Christmas decorations (inside & outside).
  21. 11
  22. My mother & brother live just outside of Saint John. Market Square is the "activity" area near the port there. The Saint John City Market is there as well and is worth a stroll through to see all the fresh fish & veggies although, in late Sept. not sure how many vendors will still be open as the season is well winding down by then. Be sure to have a Lobster Roll while you're there - amazing That market is the oldest farmers market in Canada, dating back to 1785. I remember going there often when I was a kid.
  23. Oh yes ... that looks yummy. Love mushrooms & cheese Pork ribs.
  24. 12

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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