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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. -5
  2. -5
  3. Glad you're still with us JKPK
  4. Addiction at it's finest. Two smokes at once
  5. Celebrations Page - "Jetblack is 3 Months Quit" thread. Posted Sat. Jan. 06/18.
  6. -5
  7. Sent my thoughts in a PM to you Doreen but wanted to comment about Joel's message above. Jetblack mentioned yesterday about having seen a woman in a store with a hole in her throat and that being another motivator to keep the quit even without knowing if that was the result of a smoking related issue. It likely was related to smoking and i remember thinking, once I read her post, whether that woman was still smoking. This addiction can be powerful beyond description. Those of us who have "seen the light" and come here to share our quit with other like minded souls are blessed or maybe just lucky? I don't know which it is but the combination of our own efforts and the community as a whole is something very special! We should all be thankful each and every day we made the decision we did (quitting & coming here!)
  8. -2
  9. -8
  10. -6
  11. -6
  12. After you have your last "fix". stay close to us here and let us support you in your early days at least. It's a trying time for most and we can maybe give you some tips to getting through those early days. You CAN do this Jon
  13. -6
  14. -6
  15. -2
  16. I don't think so. No drama anyway.
  17. Hoping she's just been busy with work, kids and life in general.
  18. +1
  19. Congratulations on being smoke free for 1/4 Year now IGT! That's fabulous. Great start to life long freedom. Celebrate this milestone then carry on. You Got This!!
  20. Take care my friend. You may decide to come home and visit more often than you think depending on where life takes you. In any case, you've done your job both for yourself as well as passing on your knowledge and experience to others so go annoy the rest of the world now
  21. NOPE! Gotta shovel snow off the roof today
  22. Poutine .... it's a French vegetable!
  23. -8 Isn't there something else you chicks should be doing?
  24. -4

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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