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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. OMG - you' kidding .... right?
  2. 20!!
  3. OK, the "after it's cooked, cooled & served" version?
  4. Porridge, Oatmeal, Rolled Oats - it's all the same where I come from. A lot of people love it - I'm NOT one of them tho
  5. It's the "making porridge" part that is concerning to me. I had a 3 hour stand-off with a bowl of porridge when I was a kid. Scarred me for life
  6. Hi & welcome Claire! Glad you could join us here on Quit Train
  7. Big congrats Barry! 5 Months is awesome. 1 more month to 1/2 year I somehow missed getting you on my list when you joined up but you are there now!! Enjoy the vacation
  8. Congratulations Marti on reaching your 4 years quit milestone. Just think, when you smoked you probably had trouble going 4 hours without a smoke. Now, you've been without them for 4 Years. What a proud accomplishment! Go celebrate today
  9. Geez ..... my friggin head hurts now Thanks for the lesson tho. Very informative. And to think, I always thought it was just an excuse to lolly-gag around in bed half the day and eat bon-bons?
  10. OK folks. An inspection of the Lido Deck was completed today in anticipation of the arrival of 2 lovely and well refined ladies from QSMB. Both Beazel and Dutchess66 will be arriving on the Lido Deck within the next week so we need to be sure things are "ship-shape" so to speak. Food and beverage supplies seem to be arriving on schedule and generally, things are in good order with two glaring exceptions. I need two teams of guys (not ladies this time) to look after these issues right away so these new arrivals to the Lido Deck aren't somehow exposed to the ugly aftermath of our most recent deck party. I've provided visual images of both issues to illustrate that indeed these issues do exist and yes, they require immediate attention. I need three guys to go to the men's room on the Lido Deck. At least one must have some plumbing skills. Two of you need to wake Sslip up and haul him out of the stall while the one with the plumbing skills fixes the toilet! I also need a couple of you guys to get over to the party room and get that drunk stripper out of there. We're going to be using that room as a reception area with a variety of wine and cocktails set up on the table, available for the guests. We WON'T be requiring any "live" entertainment for this event! Thanks in advance for your cooperation; Reci.
  11. OO
  12. OO
  13. -9
  14. Jo apparently knows. Maybe she'll tell us when she wakes up?
  15. Glad to hear you are still not only with us as a non-smoker but that things are starting to lighten up a little, even if it's just here and there for now. Yes, you will still face challenges for a while yet but, like we said, it DOES get better the longer you stay with it I can tell you are determined to get through it Steve so just keep doing what you are doing. You are in control of this thing completely and you have learned a lot of coping techniques now so keep using those to get through the tough times. Try and focus on all the good things you are starting to realize too. More $$ in your pocket. No stinky cig smell on you now! There's lots of GOOD things happening now too. Keep the faith Steve - one day at a time
  16. A big ol' welcome to you Kev!! Congrats on making the BEST decision of your life This quitting thing is challenging for sure, particularly in the early days (I assume you are going cold turkey from the sounds of it). The great news is .... it's completelt doable if you just take things a day at a time and pledge your NOPE every day. That stands for Not One Puff Ever. It's that simple. Just never take another puff. Simple but not easy to do so, hang around here and we'll help you along with support from others the truly "get it"! Please read all you can here Kev and look at the Joel videos. Education about this addiction will be the key to your success. Look forward to getting to know you better. Have a look around here and participate as often as you can. It really helps to be an active part of this community And, you seem to have a great attitude too. Look at the positives rather than the difficulties. That will take you a long way forward.
  17. I actually didn't know it was at different dates around the world cuz I only ever had to remember when it was where I live for my own Mum.
  18. Hope all you Mums get spoiled on your day I wonder why it's celebrate on different dates in places around the globe?
  19. You've been quit for pretty close to a year now Dutchess66 but, how long did you smoke for? 10 years, 20 years ........ longer maybe? Every single day of those years there were little imprints being made on your brain every half hour or so of your waking moments - every day of those years. Smoking related thoughts were with us all those days even though most were bubbling just under the surface of our conscious thoughts. A short year ago, you decided to quit smoking. Your brain was suddenly super focused on all those smoking related thoughts you have battled successfully It isn't surprising to me at all that any of us would have an occasional dream about smoking. It also doesn't surprise me that us smoking in those dreams would seem so normal because somewhere in your mind being a smoker is still much more "normal" than being a non-smoker. Of course it's a shock upon awakening with those images of yourself having smoked still there in your mind but take heart ..... it's YOU that's at the controls here in the waking world and a year ago you made the right decision to quit and you have chosen to follow that path ever since. I fully expect the in the waking world, you will continue along that path - why wouldn't you right? The longer you are a non-smoker, the further back in your mind those smoking imprints will be stored and I suspect they will fade to nothing at some point and yes, it's good to remind ourselves from time to time what we have done for ourselves and how important it is to maintain our new lives as non-smokers
  20. Welcome tocevoD! Glad to hear your young quit is still in place There are many old friends here and some new ones to make as well. The great part is, we're all quitters and here to help others. Buckle up your seat belt and enjoy your ride on Quit Train!
  21. Pie
  22. 5
  23. Congrats Moom! You are on the downhill slide now to reach that Lido Deck. 7 Months is Great! Celebrate the occasion and carry on to even better days ahead

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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