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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. These things do happen to some after long periods of having otherwise well established quits. Hard to say why exactly but likely a combination of things. Different situation you haven't had to deal with since quitting (unexpectedly finding some smokes) and possibly other issues going on in your head around the same time? Small things that on their own aren't a threat can sometimes combine at the same time to give us an emotionally challenging situation. The other thing is you have probably not had to fight off strong cravings in awhile so when they come out of nowhere unexpectedly, it can really throw us for a loop. Good for getting by that and looking forward, I'll bet you don;t experience that sort of situation very often again. Remember, every situation we face successfully strengthens out quit and weakens the grip our addiction has on us
  2. Titwank; OMG ..... Quick!! Run away Babe ?
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  6. Congratulations Cristobal! 6 years smoke free is fabulous and an inspiration to so many others following in your footsteps. I hope you know the assistance you have provided other quitters over the years! Be sure to celebrate this wonderful achievement
  7. (Posting this for our Sazerac, who is currently traveling and unsure of her internet functionality. This tribute is due to her efforts ) Join us in a celebration of Cristóbal's Six Years of Freedom He has been a seminal influence on many, many quits over the years and his support has held fast and true. Should you ever need a bump of positivity, please stroll through Cristóbal's Content His passion about nicotine addiction is consistently insightful, always truthful. My favorite gems of wisdom from Cristóbal are visable in these threads, Your Quit and Your Life-The Proper Sequence and A Crave Is Never A Command Please, have a riotous celebration, Cristóbal ! Thank you so much for your energy and dedication in helping us all remain nicotine free. Thank you for everything you are, everything you do. Gracias por todo lo que eres todo lo que hace. Una pequeña fiesta antes de tu celebración gigante 
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  11. Yes, you are still with us and that's a great thing Those first weeks are tough and require constant vigilance and a lot of adjustment in terms of how you go about your daily routine. But, it's an adjustment that is well worth the effort! Being smoke-free, healthier and richer in your wallet is all good; not to mention that you no longer have to feed that horrible addiction every hour or so. You don't have to do that any longer because you are smoke-free
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  17. Nope! Only have one thing to say to smoking .........
  18. #2
  19. seben
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  21. I too would like to welcome you Mel Please do read all you can here and watch some videos as well (there's a whole page for those here). Helps pass the time and, will give you some very useful information about this addiction. As Jillar said, this nicotine addiction will use any weakness we have (loneliness included) to lure us back to feeding it. Our addiction to nicotine can't feed itself. It needs us to do that and we become literally slaves to this addiction. It's only when we make that personal commitment to say NO MORE that we can take our lives back. Have a look around this site and read all you can. I think you'll see we are all the same here. Nicotine addicts supporting each other while we turn our backs on this horrible addiction. In particular, have a look at the daily NOPE page. This is where we all make a daily pledge of NOPE (Not One Puff Ever). This is at the crux of what quitting is. Never take another puff and you'll be free
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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