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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. 18
  2. Pets are living things that grow up as part of our families, sharing the other family events that make up all the important memories in our lives. That makes it really difficult to have to see them go but, because we love them, we must make the decisions that are best for them in the last days of their lives. It's tough but compassionate. We're thinking of you and Bayleigh Joe.
  3. Congrats Octain on being yet another member of our quit family to reach into double digits with your quit! I bet you are amazed, as we all were, at just how strong you really are when you want something bad enough. Be sure to celebrate your 10th month of freedom
  4. 16
  5. It's open table buffet all day, every day around my place so time change means nothing around here..
  6. 16
  7. Welcome to Quit Train Foe! I hope you learned from whatever happened that lead you to starting up again. Giving up a quit that is that advanced is a real shame. Let's get you on the road to your forever quit Take a tour around the train here. It's probably similar to your previous form in a lot of ways. Education about our addiction is a beneficial thing so read all you can. You know you can do it because you have done it before but this time, you just need to change what ever it was that lead you back to lighting up. I'm really happy you decided to quit again. Your life may depend on it!
  8. 16
  9. Glad you had the time of your life That part of the USA is awe inspiring to be sure. Very unique and the scenery is breathtaking. I recognize a few of the landmarks in your photos from having seen them myself. So, even more proof that quitting smoking and channeling your $$ elsewhere was the best decision you ever made! Congratulations.
  10. 14
  11. 12
  12. You don't have time to smoke Catlover! You've got that big pile of washing to get done
  13. Congrats on 9 months smoke free Roopy! Let us know how you're doing sometime. Be sure to reward all your hard work today as well. Maybe a wee sip of wine?
  14. Congrats on putting that most difficult 1st month behind you Nik! Come by and let us know how you're doing. It's great to have a community of supporters who truly understand what you are experiencing as you move further along in your quit journey
  15. Congratulations on reaching the 10 month mark of your quit Rory! Only 2 more months to the Lido Deck. Great work Rory. I think you've earned a score of 10!
  16. Fantastic M5! I've watched your quit grow more and more steady every day since you first came aboard the train back in January. You've put in the work and paid your dues and now you're 10 Months smoke free How great is that? Now, don't get too excited about the double digit thing though. You know at our age, double isn't always a good thing. Like trying double-dutch skip rope for instance. I wouldn't decide to try that if I were you
  17. Fantastic accomplishment brand.new.ela!! Your 1st full year smoke free is fabulous and a testament to all the hard work you had to do throughout that first year healing your body and retraining your mind. You've been through most if not all your triggers by now so by just maintaining what you've built, you will be smoke free for life. Hope you have a huge celebration planned today. It only comes around once Welcome to the Lido Deck Ela
  18. 11
  19. 9
  20. 9
  21. You'd better get a good sleep tonight. Lots of celebrating tomorrow (Mr. 10 months!)
  22. 7
  23. Hi & welcome AngFitz! You are correct! Don't look too far ahead. Just focus on today. Tomorrow will come soon enough and we'll deal with it then. I hope you do take advantage of the wealth of information available on this site to educate yourself about this addiction. That will be the key to your success. There's lots of great reading pinned to the top of pages here that will help you get started. Take a look around and let us know if you need any help. Lots of people here who will come running. Try the Quit Smoking Discussions Page to start with. All those threads pinned (green pin to the left of the title) are a great place to start. Reading and even playing some games here on the games page is a great way to distract yourself in the early days. Stay true to your commitment AF and keep the quit day 1 is done and you're well into day 2. Keep up the great work!

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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