It's been posted by many here about what happens when people for whatever reason give up a well established quit and the story is the same every time and ..... it's not a happy story. Never heard one person yet come on here to say it was Great and they're glad they did it - not one person has said that! Yes, your mind is making it seem like something that would bring you great pleasure and solve your problem about having to carry on the quit battles but in reality, lighting up again would be devastating to you. Just ask Foe who's recently come back after throwing away a substantial quit.
Why did you quit originally? Health reasons? Money it was costing you? The fact that smoking controlled everything in your life? So, now you're romancing smoking - why? What one good thing is smoking going to do for you? Already established above that it won't give you that nirvana moment you're seeking. Many people who have taken that path have told us that so why oh why would you want to go there? I understand you're growing weary of the constant battles, even though they may not be as difficult as they were in the beginning but you are at a place now where you have no viable choice but to continue because going forward is the ONLY direction that will bring you the peace and happiness you're seeking. Going back will crush you immediately as you exhale that first and second drag from that cocktail of chemicals you mistakenly think is your comforting friend.
Carry on MLMR no matter what! As everyone is telling you ....... it WILL get better