You have got some great help tip from Andi above. There really are two parts to the quitting thing, at least in my mind. The physical addiction to Nicotine and the psychological part of smoking (that's the habit part you refer to Kate). If you are using NRT products then you are cutting down o the nicotine intake gradually, which is of benefit to many quitters but, you still have to deal with the psychological part which to me was the most difficult and longest adjustment but .... it's very doable if you put some thought into distracting yourself in order to use up all the spare time you will suddenly have. In the early days, do anything to use that time up. Change up your daily routine in small ways just so you have a NEW routine.Replace morning coffee with juice. Have a morning shower or if you did that before, take it at a slightly different time. Just small changes will help. If you went out for a smoke at a certain time, go for a short walk now even if it;s just around the house once or twice - be creative.
Just always remember; quitting smoking won't harm you in any way. Sure, it can be challenging and uncomfortable for a bit but that is just temporary. It does get better for everyone who continues to say NOPE each day! Every person here who has been quit for awhile will tell you the same thing. They just love the new lifestyle they have now as a non-smoker. No longer the slave to their nicotine addiction. Having to service it whenever it demands. And that doesn't mean just smoking but all the preparation work. Making sure you have smokes and lighters and somewhere to go to smoke and on,. and, on and on it goes. Embrace your new freedom! It may such right now but it won;t for long
By the way, congrats to both of you new quitters for getting through the early hours of your quits! Not easy in those early days but so worthwhile in the long run!