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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. Have fun! I always unplug when I go on vacation/holidays. No computer - no phone; nothing! Don't even take those things with me and I have never missed anything important.
  2. Yes! Trust in what others who are quit for years say. It will get easier the longer you just apply NOPE to your daily life. It's not always easy and it doesn't always make sense in terms of how our brains were wired as smokers but the truth is ....... as long as you NOPE each and every day and live by that pledge; you too will be free of this addiction that only takes and gives you nothing good in return.
  3. Reciprocity


    Used to be
  4. Reciprocity


    Haven't worn one of those in 35 years LOL! Think you're maybe confusing Canadians with Europeans? This is what I'd look like these days in a Speedo
  5. Niners!!
  6. Oh My .......... Now I'm hungry!
  7. 6
  8. Reciprocity


    Still lookin' great Stewie Wish I was that young again.
  9. 20!
  10. 18
  11. 15
  12. Probably because while you smoked you were conditioned to see it as a reward for having completed a task or while out having a good time or whatever brought you joy. For me it's boredom. When every I have nothing to do and no real focus I think I should be smoking to use up that time I guess?
  13. Congrats on 4 years quit Runfree! That's awesome!
  14. All blue sky
  15. Glue
  16. -13
  17. 13
  18. Quathiaski Cove. British Columbia Canada
  19. She took everything everyone left. STRAP
  20. You're heading for disaster!
  21. Owl boredom
  22. 12

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