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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. Superman for sure because, well ....... he's super! Batman's just a regular guy who wears funny clothes and drives a weird car. And, what's with those Wham, Bam, Pow things anyway?
  2. Treat yourself Kate for all the hard work you have done these past weeks. Time with your son and having a great time as a non smoker are priority #1 right now
  3. So. the Indians are Struttin' are they?
  4. Ate!
  5. So, give us an update! Is this battle over yet or not?
  6. 8
  7. ^^^ Whatever gets you through is the right plan for you Wishing you all the best tocevoD!
  8. +1 Sticks Rule!!
  9. 19 Take it boys!
  10. 15
  11. 13
  12. Congratulations Rory on reaching your 1 year smoke free mark. Happy to be part of the Lido Deck welcoming committee ! I know you had a tough time throughout your journey which makes this achievement all the more special. Be sure to enjoy your day
  13. Hard to believe it's already 1 year since you quit and joined us here M5! Your dedication to the NOPE thread is legendary and it really did the trick for you, giving you that daily focus needed in the early days to make it through to the next. All the while helping others along too - now that's classy Enjoy your day to the max because it only comes once. Huge congratulations to you Matian5 as you climb onto the Lido Deck. We even built a special flying Lido Deck for this occasion because of course, you're an extraterrestrial right?
  14. Wow! Those are all bizarre Hard to pick one from the other two but I'm gonna go with #1 is a lie just because the other two are sort of related - foot things.
  15. 10
  16. Deep breathing is an effective way to deal with cravings. Do it slowly though, as if you were smoking but you are now breathing in fresh air Inhale a normal volume of air, hold for a few seconds then exhale slowly. Repeat this multiple time for a few minutes. That should relax you as well as give you that inhale - exhale similarity to smoking that you;re missing right now but without the damaging effects. Jillar calls it the Jillar Air Cigarette. Mock smoking but with no actual cigarette.
  17. Hi Jamie and welcome to the Quit Train There are a vast number of quit symptoms and what you mention about your lungs may be one you are experiencing in the early days of your quit. You may be tensing up when an extremely strong craving comes upon you and that could be causing your pain. If you continue to be concerned about tit, please see a doctor just to be sure it;s nothing serious. In terms of how we adjust to life without smoking well .... we just do the longer we remain quit. It's a journey and education about nicotine addiction is a huge part of that journey. That and the kind of support you'll find here among other quitters who have taken that same journey. You can learn new ways to reward yourself for the completion of tasks and when you get together with friends or family. One thing I can promise you is that quitting smoking will be much heakthier for your lungs than continuing to smoke. The other huge benefit is that you will be free from nicotine ruling your every move in life. No more running outside to get that fix, No more worrying if you have enough smokes to last till morning. Improved finances big time over time. The list of benefits goes on and on. Jump in - commit and follow through on that commitment. It's very doable Jamie
  18. Hi JIll! Welcome to our family of quitters You have the right idea about taking things a day a a time and also about learning as much as you can about this horrible addiction. Education about the nicotine addiction is key to a lasting quit! You CAN quit, just like the rest of us have. No one here is a special flower. We all go through the trials and tribulations of quitng but together, we make it through to the other side. Stick around; learn as much as you can and join in on the fun if you like. Quitting doesn't have to be all doom and gloom. You may just make some friendships here that you never expected to. You have nothing to lose and everything to gain! Oh, and congrats on one week in the books! That's the toughest one of all to get through
  19. 8
  20. ate

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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