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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. One day at a time Christine. Don;t look beyond today in terms of your quit. Days will turn into weeks and weeks to months and you will gradually start feeling better and better about your new non smoking life.
  2. Welcome back Opah! Happy to see you are trying this quitting thing again. You know the drill and the best thing you can do is refresh your knowledge about this addiction by reading as much here that you can. Stay active on the board and remember all the things you've been through and use those as motivation this time around. Hope you can find a way to make it stick this time Opah
  3. I used to go sno-mowing in Quebec every Feb. for a week and I remember well how important the snow conditions were to all the hotels, bars and eateries in that area. I'm sure it's the same where you are. Being busy is great for keeping your mind occupied and off thinking about smoking. Glad you're still doing well Jack
  4. In a word ...... NO! 12
  5. It sounds like your experience at Christmas was pretty scary and you need to keep that in mind as motivation to quit for good. Education about this addiction is key so please read all you can here and watch some of the Joel video's that may address some of your questions and concerns. The support you will receive here is amazing and comes fro others who are in the process or have already quit successfully so .... we get it! We understand what you are going through. The mental process of quitting is what takes the most effort and time and that's why you feel lost or like you're missing something right now. You need time to retrain your brain to be comfortable as a non smoker again. It takes time. No short cuts unfortunately. Others will be along to give you some tips and advice too. It's a great place to keep in touch with if you are serious about quitting Welcome aboard CanadianProud
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  7. Hi Kim and welcome to Quit Train There's not a lot I can add to the excellent advice you have received above from these fine folk. Education about this addiction is key and you seem to have a good handle on that. The drinking thing well ...... hubby needs to understand your situation and cut you a little slack until you are able to handle it without relapsing. Jo's suggestion was a great one - non-alcoholic drinks for you. You can still socialize with him while he's having his drinks. The biggest advantage to being here on this Quit Train is that you will get 100% meaningful support from a lot of people. And these are ALL people who know exactly what you are going through because we've all traveled exactly the same road as you. There's no better support network than that so yes, join in here and post as often as you can. Look at this place as a respite from the rest of your busy and sometimes complicated life. A place where you can come and bare your soul to other quitters who really get it! See you around the train
  8. bed
  9. I decided it's reveal time because even if Jillar does chime in, the contest has been decided. 1. Is a lie. (do they even make stamps any more? I mean, who mails anything now days.) 2.True, I have never drank a whole cup of tea. I have tried a single sip twice in my life and was immediately repulsed by the taste both times. Just one of those things I guess? 3. True, I was hospitalized once after a motorcycle accident. From what I recall, hospital drugs are the BEST!! Looks like you're up Jo
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  11. So great to be able to welcome you to the Lido Deck today Sslip! You've not only done a fabulous job on your own quit but you have helped so many others with theirs at the same time. Those are both accomplishments to be proud of so now, it's time to party! Celebrate your 1 Year Anniversary. It's really special
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  13. Standard is manual - correct. I hate driving automatic transmission vehicles and I always end up stepping on the brake with my left foot. thinking it's the clutch We'll wait to see if Jillar will chime in on the new set of T or L questions, shall we?
  14. 1. Is true and what I meant is that each car I have owned in my lifetime (10-12 maybe) excluding company vehicles, have been standard transmissions. 2. Is a lie. I have a wife that squawks enough. Don't need a parrot doing the same or worse. 3. Is True. Registration with Selective Service was required as part of a work visa I had for working in the USA many years ago. I still have my draft card. New one now: 1. I am an avid stamp collector. 2. I have never drank a cup of tea. 2. Other than at birth, I have only been hospitalized once in my life.
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  16. The cold never brought on a crave for me but some triggers for cravings to light up are individually unique and others are pretty commonly shared. There are so many things our brain associated with smoking that it really does take a while to experience them all and get through those situations. That's why they say you need to get through all 4 seasons to experience all your triggers. Keep going. You're doing great and almost at 1 whole month! That's fantastic
  17. Don't forget about the SOS page either please! This is a life saver in the early days if things become overwhelming. Just post up and peeps will come running to talk you off the ledge (so to speak)
  18. Another STICKS WIN!! OO
  19. 19, and...............
  20. YES! We have a few around here now so stay with us Newbies! Take things a day at a time and stay true to that commitment you made to yourself not too long ago. It will happen if you just don't smoke - not even one puff is the road to freedom. Stay active here because as the days turn into weeks, you will need people who truly understand what you are going though. Those people will underpin your quit foundation for you as you continue to build your permanent quit.
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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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