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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. 9ers
  2. I'm sure that's a huge load off your mind. Good job weathering the uncertainty over your job situation without smoking Huge step forward when you KNOW you can handle a situation like that.
  3. 7
  4. So there you have it Kall. There are many road that lead to Rome (so to speak). Must haves from my perspective are: a steadfast commitment to yourself starting the day you quit, information about nicotine addiction (lots of that here) and a support system to help you along your journey, which exists here among a community of quitters. This place is custom built to help people who truly want to quit smoking. All you or anyone needs to supply is the commitment and doing the actual work of quitting.
  5. 4
  6. Congrats on 5 months smoke free IGT! On your way to a half year already
  7. Congrats on 5 months IGT! Keep it going. Thoughts of smoking are not actions and actions are what count. Stay the course.
  8. Possibly part of the update last week? I'm not very observant of that sort of stuff but now that I look at it I think you may be correct there - more smoke or at least an enhancement of the image?
  9. I think you will find a support group who really understand exactly what you are going through is a great asset to you in your effort to break free of this addiction. Knowledge and support are key components to not only quitting but most importantly ..... staying quit!
  10. ^^^ I could tell you a story about that but it would sound super creepy ....... even tho it isn't
  11. Trying to figure out if I'm a betweenie or an Olde Pharte. Kind of hoping for betweenie because that sounds way cooler
  12. Hi Kall and welcome to our family I say family because we are all nicotine addicts just like you! Regardless of our individual personalities we all have the ability to quit smoking and finally say NO to this slavery that is nicotine addiction. It is the clear path to longevity in terms of both health and wealth. Saying "that's enough!" to nicotine addiction will not only likely extend your life but it will empower you in ways you can not even imagine right now. Don't over think it - just do it ...Quit smoking and take it 1 day at a time. You will never regret it I promise you that. You will find great support here on Quit Train because we are all just like you; we are quitters too! Remember 1 day at a time - NOPE is your new mantra. Not One Puff Ever! It's that simple
  13. 20!! Nice try D
  14. 19 .....................
  15. 17 Yay Sticks
  16. 16
  17. 14
  18. Here's mine. Didn't have time to count 'em.
  19. Nancy 11 Me 12
  20. We can't change decisions we made in the past. All we can do is make better decisions today and .... you have done that by committing to a smoke free future
  21. Yes, quit now. Why wait? You've done it before so you can do it again. No matter what life throws at us, smoking only makes things worst, not better. Don't delay. Come back to a community of support and make a positive change in your life. Hope to see you around soon
  22. I'm sorry to hear all the struggles you are facing. I am glad you got through this because of what you know in your heart about this addiction and from the support of those you know from this board. Good call on posting here! I am also super impressed that so many peeps you know from your time on this board came running to your side in your moment of frustration and doubt - damn this is such an awesome place

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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