@Ankush You asked how long the mental adjustment takes? For most it takes a full year of going through all the seasonal triggers you will face. Things will come up throughout the year that will make you feel like you should be smoking but you know that now you don't do that. You just knock those triggers off 1 by 1. Once you have faced them and not smoked, they are no problem next time. This doesn't mean you are in a constant mental struggle all the time for a year - no. Most people would find the first month challenging with the first week or so being the worst in terms of quit symptoms. If you are committed to quitting, you find ways to distract yourself and deal with the mental adjustment aspect. Look for positive changes from quitting and focus on those - money saved, you no longer smell of cigarettes, smoking no longer controls what you do in your daily life (freedom from addiction). There's plenty of good things even early on if you look for them. Be positive and know you are doing the best possible thing for yourself and your future. Make it your ONLY priority for the first while - everything else comes after keeping and growing your quit It is absolutely possible for ANYONE if you want it badly enough.