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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. OO Oh my; ANOTHER trophy presentation for us sticks?
  2. Any time you are about to do something where you think you'll face triggers to smoke, try changing something up in how you go about doing that thing. For example; while driving it's of course critical not to distract yourself from the task of driving but, you could change up other things such as; open up the windows so there's lots of fresh air flow. Listen to a different radio station maybe. Change up your seating position slightly, just do smalle things differently than what you normally do. Small changes cause your brain to focus differently which can prevent an idle brain from going to thoughts of smoking. On the topic of your car; take the first opportunity you can to give the inside of your vehicle a really good cleaning. Get some upolstry cleaner for the seats if they're cloth seats and something like Armor All for the plactic & vinyl surfaces inside your car. And; clean the inside of those windows with glass cleaner. You'll be unplesantly surprised at the yellow yuk that appears after spraying your windows with glass cleaner. Having a fresh, clean smelling vehicle to drive will help keep your mind off smoking while driving! Or; use the money you're saving to get your car professionally detailed. It's a bit pricey but well worth it and you'll only have to do it once. Same thing applies to other situations where your brain might go directly to thoughts of smoking. Waking up in the morning is a big one for most new quitters. Change up your morning routine a bit. Even changing up the order in which you do things can help keep your mind focused on what you're doing instead of focusing on smoking. Give it a try and see if that helps.
  3. Typically yes; general posts about your quit would be posted in a thread you create on the Quit Smoking Discussion Page. To start a thread there; open the page then look for the "Start New Topic" title to the right side near the top of the main page. Click that and title your topice and go from there. You could start a thread there and title it My Quit Smoking Journey or Adventure or something like that then just keep adding posts to that thread as you like. When you open the Quit Smoking Discussion Page, the first 9 or 10 thread going down from the top of that page are "Pinned Posts". You'll notice a small green tack to the left of the thread title. Most of those "pinned" topics were created some time ago which is why the date appear to be old. The most recent to least recent threads start after the "pinned" posts and go in cronilogical order downward. You should spend some time reading the "Pinned Posts" as they contain excellent information of use to new quitters. Tips about quitting and the experiences of others as they struggled to quit. It all good info for the new quitter. Look for those small green pins to the left of the thread titles. They will always be located at the top of the main page. You'll find "Pinned Posts" at the top of several pages. Read them all as time permitts. Good info in all of them.
  4. Went for a drive close to where I live today and noticed the peach trees are in full bloom now. I wasn't too surprised because the pear tree in my back yard has also just bloomed this week. Just had my phone so the pic doesn't do them justice. They were a glorious pink!
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  6. Welcome back! Hope you can remain focused on all the things you stated above and do it long term. That's what's required for a long term success! Reread all you can here just to keep all the quit info fresh in your mind and ask away about anything you like or just come to vent as needed. Your seat is still open here on the train. I'll go clean the stuff off that I stored there for awhile To edit your quit date; click on your profile pic at the top of the main page then click; edit profile. Scroll down & you'll see "Quit Date". Change your date and look to see if you need to OK it somewhere at the bottom of the page.
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  10. Out of all the wild animals around I find foxes fascinating. Haven't had much opportunity to see them much though and certainly not up close and with a bunch of newborns. How fortunate you guys are that they're right there at your house!
  11. Same thing, different Lake & different monster name. Here's a link to the story of Champ. https://westhillbb.com/blog/2021/04/champ-legend-vermont/
  12. Where's Champ?
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  21. When I clean out my vaccume cleaner, do I become a vaccume cleaner?
  22. Congrats Stewie!! 9 Months is a solid chunk of time to have travelled on the Quit Train. I would say you're well on your way to a life long quit! Hope you find a way to celebrate today. Maybe another mess of Crawdads?

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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