Glad to hear you two are doing OK and still on track with your quits! Readjusting to life as "normal" really does take quite awhile but you are both doing well and experiencing completely normal quit symptoms and yes Dizzy .... they will all correct themselves eventually. I know the one that took the longest for me was that hair-trigger temper thing - lol. They will all correct themselves though in time. Just keep moving forward because it doesn't get harder, it only gets easier the more time you spend not smoking. And, as you get past that 1st month or so be aware that you are entering what is referred to as "no man's land". Sounds daunting right? It's not really. It's just that period where the newness of your quit has worn off and things start becoming a bit of a chore at times. There's a post about it around here somewhere. I've included the link below for you. If you can't open the link, this post is on this same page below this Newbies Post. It's always good to be aware in advance what you can expect to experience so you don't think anything is abnormal with what you are going through. We all experience similar things and in the end, we all make it out the other side as permanent non smokers. Just keep adhering to NOPE!