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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. Eclair
  2. LOL
  3. 5
  4. Welcoming you to Quit Train as well Ferimeth! Quitting will be the most important thing you can do for a healthier future life so it is worth a short period of difficulty adjusting to life without cigarettes. You mentioned you had a burning sensation in your throat? I have not heard of that being related to quitting smoking although there are many temporary quit symptoms that people experience. If that keeps up, see a Dr. about it as it may be unrelated to your quitting. You also mentioned you had heard that it takes 23 days to break the addiction. Quitting is really a 2 part process. Ridding your body physically of nicotine, which means when you stop using the patch or any other form of nicotine, it will take approximately 3 days for all the nicotine to exit your blood stream. The longer process of quitting is the mental adjustment. That part takes a lot longer. You have to become comfortable again to living life without smoking. If you think about it, smoking really invades every aspect of your daily life so it takes awhile to adjust your thinking until you are once again comfortable functioning as a non smoker. You'll get there. Just keep at it. One day at a time will get you there.
  5. Yes , there's clearly been a change in that regard. But, when you look at your profile, it will still say you last logged in on Oct, 15, 2006 or whenever the last time it was you logged in on a regular login. Also, if you put the cursor over your name at the bottom of the page it won't say what thread you are looking at. Actually, I'm not sure why I started logging in anonymously but I did. I also noticed that when I log in anonymously, my ticker doesn't work. It stays at the same numbers every day. I deleted mine for awhile then just recently put it back up. The numbers have been exactly the same since I created it - lol. Oh and by the way ..... we have cameras that can see into your living room too so .... there's no anonymous around here
  6. Salamander
  7. Locked & loaded
  8. I Can't Believe It's Not Butter
  9. 3
  10. 1
  11. Remember Doreen. Wine drinkers drink from a glass. Never straight from the bottle!!
  12. 17 getting there boys
  13. I am happy to hear that you HAVE made that commitment to yourself because that is a critical step. That brokerage job on Wall Street must have been crazy pressure I have the DVD Wall Street - Love It!! I'm sure it's not like the reality but still So now it's time for you to take care of YOU and we can help you do that. Hang around and find out because smoking is high stakes too - your life may depend on what you do. We choose life here on the Quit Train!
  14. That's right D1. We can't change those stupid decisions we made back when we started smoking. What's done is done. Now we just gotta pull ourselves up by the boot-straps and put in the time and hard work required to get us to the point where we can manage any thoughts we might have of smoking easily. We can't make it like we never smoked but ... we can commit to never smoking again
  15. 15 Never stop trying - the magic will happen
  16. 14 Welcome back Rhino
  17. Hi Vince and welcome to Quit Train. So you understand some of the harm smoking has already done to you and are concerned about what harm may have been already been caused but you still aren't ready to fully commit yourself to a life without smoking. You would like to but, you haven't really made that commitment to yourself yet - am I right? Only YOU can do that Vince, We here have already done that for ourselves and turned our lives around so, it IS possible but the first step is to make that unwavering commitment to yourself to quit for good! Next step is to educate yourself about nicotine addiction by reading all you can here - there's lots of information available and even reading the posts from others who have made the journey helps a lot. Watch the Joel videos on smoking. Education is SO important in order for you to understand all the lies your addiction have been telling you all these years. Once you truly understand that smoking does nothing good for you and only takes, it will be a lot easier to leave it behind. We all "loved" smoking at one point Vince but now we know the truth about it and we guard our quits with our lives. I hope you stick around and take your life back Vince. It IS possible for anyone to quit. The beauty of this place is you have a lot of others who know exactly what you are going through and can give you unconditional support along the way. That in itself is a great quitting aid.
  18. Possibly cheaper there too if you get to the right place I was in Tampa a couple of weeks ago for a few days and the weather was fabulous. About 80 degrees, not humid and sunny, sunny, sunny Enjoy your trip!
  19. Lol - false I do get a local weekly paper (sometimes - when the delivery guy sobers up enough to bring them). TNP has an allergy to something?
  20. Nope! I won't smoke on Sat. April 27th
  21. Papaya
  22. Hey efficacy! What you're feeling is perfectly normal. I was like that for a few days at first. Could barley function. I quit on a Sunday morning and had to take 2 days off work just to deal with the beginning part of my quit. I basically laid on the couch for those days and watched DVD's just to pass the time. I remember going back into work on the Wed. and freaking out about some relatively minor issue at work and thinking .... have I returned too soon? Can I deal with this and my quit too? Well, obviously I did but it was a struggle - no question. And time seemed to stand still back in the early days of my quit as well. I remember looking forward to crawling into bed as early as I dared each night because once I was asleep, the constant craving I was feeling would stop. Ahhh .... the good old days of early quit! Just know it is doable. Nothing you will come up against is insurmountable. Stay positive. Look at the benefits you are already seeing. How much $$ have you saved? You no longer smell of stale cigarette smoke. There's lots of good things already happening. Focus on those and all the other good things to come

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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