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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. Congratulation of being 5 years smoke free today Fizzie. That's a great accomplishment and I hope you plan to celebrate it today. Would be great if you dropped by to let us know how you're enjoying your life of freedom
  2. Great work Ankush! Another month completed in your quit; congratulations! Those first months are not easy but you are doing all the right things to change your life for the better by fighting nicotine addiction and you are slowly gaining the upper hand on it. It's hard work so be sure to celebrate by treating yourself to something nice today. Rewards are important along the way. And, keep up the good work. It WILL be worth it
  3. Congratulations Wantsit! You're now at 7 months and should be getting pretty comfortable with your quit and all those benefits that come with being a non smoker. Be sure to acknowledge your hard work by treating yourself to a little something special today. Great Job!
  4. Hey there Ginger and congrats on being 6 Years quit today Hope you are still celebrating those yearly markers as quitting is always a big deal. Here's to your 6th!
  5. This is Great News Parsley! Very happy for both of you - Keep it up
  6. Congrats Abby! 5 months is pretty substantial. Celebrate your additional milestone then dig in for the middle months of your first year. You have all the tools now so it just a matter of practising what you have already been doing. A strong foundation is the cornerstone of a life long quit. Hope you treat yourself today
  7. Smoke free for 10 months now Linda and now it's full steam ahead to the Lido Deck. Congratulations on this milestone and also for being a mentor to others following along behind you. That's what this place is all about. Support and mentoring others. Now go celebrate and treat yourself to something nice
  8. Yeah - oral surgery sucks for sure (and is costly)! It's not the actual surgery so much as the aftermath healing. At least now you will heal faster and it will be worth the $$ you put into it because you are no longer creating the problems that got you to this point so that's one good thing. Another disease closely related to smoking that isn't in the forefront much is Buerger's disease: "Virtually everyone diagnosed with Buerger's disease smokes cigarettes or uses other forms of tobacco, such as chewing tobacco. Quitting all forms of tobacco is the only way to stop Buerger's disease. For those who don't quit, amputation of all or part of a limb is sometimes necessary."
  9. Great job Wayne! 3 years quit is certainly worthy of a nice celebration today. Go out and treat yourself to a fun time
  10. Congratulations on 3 Years Jillar! You are certainly an intrical part of this place and provide a lot of quit wisdom to all the Newbies coming along. Great work! Now go treat yourself. Maybe a soothing Spa Day?
  11. Texas Ranger
  12. Nanaimo Bar
  13. 17
  14. F___ Player's Light! You called the shots for decades - NO MORE!
  15. I used to get emails and now I don't so something has changed because I didn't tick or untick anything. I agree that an option to receive or not is probably the best so people who don't want to receive an email have that option but when trying to contact someone who hasn't been logged on in awhile, it's a good tool to them know we would like to communicate with them.
  16. Members used to get an email advising them that a PM had been sent to them. This appears to be no longer happening. Why has that changed. It was convenient to have an email notice in case the member wasn't logging in.
  17. Congrats on 3 Years Quit Devo!
  18. Out comes a fancy ball dress. I put in a monkey and a donut ........
  19. Sound
  20. radioactive

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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