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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. Congratulations on reaching 9 months smoke free Parsley. You are 3/4 of the way to that Lido deck. Celebrate the fact that you're a confirmed Quitter
  2. 19 .............
  3. found
  4. No chance honey!
  5. Stock trade
  6. Sugar Pie
  7. Oooooh Weegie 19 ..................
  8. 19 ..............................
  9. Big congratulations to you Mona for reaching this big milestone of 1 month quit! It's the hardest month of all to get past as you are facing lots of challenges from your nicotine addiction and building your quit toolkit at the same time but, you are past that 1st month now so go celebrate big time then go back to work strengthening that quit
  10. Was just coming on to post your Anniversary Sunshine59 and, yes you are 5 whole months quit today! Congratulations!! You should be excited and you should also be very proud of what you have done. It wasn't easy for you in the beginning but you persevered and it paid off for you. You're even off those nicotine gums now so you are totally nicotine free. Hope you find a way to celebrate today. Next month, you'll be a half year quit
  11. Holy Moly! Our Jenny is 7 Years smoke free today! Huge congrats and I hope you still celebrate in some way on your Anniversary day because quitting never gets old
  12. 17
  13. Good stuff! This is the important thing when using NRT products. Have a reduction plan that will have you nicotine free in the end. You have that plan and are working it so Good for You! I'm sure there will be some volatility with cravings and anxiety as you step down each time but that's to be expected. Come here to vent or for support. You have the knowledge now on how to fight the cravings and you have your vision of a smoke-free Lilly so your quit is assured as long as you continue to work your plan faithfully each and every day
  14. Hey Newbies! There's a Pinned Thread on the Quit Smoking Discussion Page called The 1 Year Commitment. There's a reason for that pledge. There are seasonal challenges that we face depending on the climate we live in or even our religious beliefs and celebrations. We were conditioned to smoking when certain things happened with celebrations or changing of seasons. You must face these times now as a non smoker to become comfortable with no longer smoking in those situations. It's not because you will be having major cravings all the time. That tends to settle down within the first 4-7 months depending on the person. You WILL come to a point when you just suddenly realize that you never want to smoke again. That is a magical moment. It happens to all who adhere to the NOPE pledge for long enough. This doesn't mean you will never think about smoking again. It just means you will have a different reaction to those thoughts when they occur. That's when you KNOW you've arrived at your forever quit!
  15. I used smoking as an escape from having to face problems that came along in my daily life. It gave me a chance to as your say Ankush get to "a peaceful quiet corner" where I could contemplate the issue before facing it head on. What was really happening was that I was just feeding my addiction, which calmed the anxiety caused by my addiction to nicotine because I hadn't had a smoke in an hour or so. Meanwhile, the problem I was facing was still there just festering and often getting worse because I wasn't doing anything about it. So much better now that I don't go through that ritual any longer. Now, I just deal with things as they come along. Overall. my anxiety and stress levels are much, much less. You'll see, once you get a little further into your quit.
  16. 15
  17. Where you at Free?
  18. 13
  19. Yes you're a newbie QueenB but that doesn't diminish your take on things or your experiences with quitting one bit. In fact, as newbies, when you participate with others on an aspect of your quit it not only helps others but it strengthens your own resolve as well. It's truly a win-win

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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