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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. Fore!
  2. Sorry to be off topic but ....... Another thing WD-40 is really good at is removing adhesive residue from a surface. A little spray, let sit for a moment then wipe away the sticky adhesive residue.
  3. Yes! Stay safe at all costs Sazerac! It's disturbing to see the major storm season starting this early.
  4. Nope! Ugh .... don't wanna end up like this!
  5. Good things come in small packages
  6. I almost forgot ...... the other day when I went golfing for the first time in about 15 years, I found two lighters in one of my golf shoes - lol. No cigarettes, just 2 lighters. Go figure! Oh and I didn't have any trigger to smoke while I was golfing either. Never crossed my mind even once. I just realized that now. I used to smoke while I golfed of course so I'm a little surprised I didn't have any thoughts about smoking while I was waiting at a Tee box or something. Anyway, it's all good, except for the golf game. My score sucked big time!!
  7. Just so you don't have to suffer that "Big-O" too long .................. +1
  8. Clearly you peeps haven't had a Mossimo's Pizza yet!
  9. Can't remember how many cuz my ticker doesn't work but they are now added in!
  10. 1
  11. 20 Done!!
  12. 18
  13. 17 NOPE!
  14. 17
  15. Congratulations SmokeFree for reaching yet another milestone in your quit. 3 Years smoke free is an awesome accomplishment. Be sure to celebrate that life changing decision you made 3 years ago today!
  16. After golf yesterday we went to a super delish pizza place and they had Coors Light on special .... we had an ice cold pitcher sitting on the patio in the 100 degree heat (we were in the shade mind you). Does life get any better?
  17. Nope! F U Big Tobacco!
  18. I'm harvesting the catnip I grew in a planter this spring. Cut 4 pretty decent size branches that were flowering and have now hung them in the basement where it's cool and dark. We'll see how long it takes for them to dry. Fed one of the withered, brown leafs from the bottom of the branch to the cat and she gobbled it - lol. Now she's rolling around on the counter smelling the counter top where the branches were. Patience my flower .... patience. You will one day reap the rewards of this harvest
  19. Pretty sure Sazerac was just pointing out the various features that might be helpful to perspective quitters that might be having a look around the site to see if it makes sense to them. Some of these features veteran members take for granted can be a little perplexing to someone new.
  20. Fires
  21. 7
  22. 5
  23. Well, you won't be seeing me on "the PGA Tour" any time soon!!! This is frighteningly close to what happened on every tee shot My pride is hurt today .... tomorrow it will be those muscles I rarely use
  24. I used to play quite a bit of golf years ago but reached the conclusion that I had progressed as far as I was ever going to in improving my game so put my clubs in the basement one day about 15 years ago and never touched them again. Well, the wife has convinced me to go play 9 holes with her today so it will be interesting to see how that goes. She took it up well after I quit the game and likes to play with the ladies once a week if the weather permits. I'm just gonna take it easy because I know I will be feeling muscles I didn't even know I had by this time tomorrow and besides, can show up the wife too badly now can I lol. I already told her; if I get a hole in one on the first hole, I'm throwing my clubs in the lake and going home. End my career on a high note I'm sure the 19th hole will be my favourite (that's the bar for those who don't golf)

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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