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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. 4 full years smoke free is fantastic onthemark! Hope you are doing well and planning to celebrate the occasion
  2. Congrats Koder3 on 4 years of freedom from slavery to nicotine addiction. We're jumping for joy!!
  3. 5
  4. You know, I have heard that song a lot of times over the years but never once knew the name of it. The wife keeps telling me; "You're not paying attention!" As usual, she's right.
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  7. 20
  8. Wow Saz! Big system dumping a lot of rain over a large area it appears. Stay safe and as dry as possible!
  9. Yes .... how's it going today? Hoping it's an up day today for you.. try to get outside and breath in that lovely fresh air. It's good for your lungs!
  10. I was going thorough some stuff I gathered together at my mother's house when I was there last month. She was tossing stuff out and I wanted to make sure there were no personal documents that should be shredded. Here's an interesting item. A Young Ladies Journal from September 1887. That's over 130 years ago! It's in pretty rough shape because the paper is starting to disintegrate. My mother says her mother gave it to her when she was just a kid. Somehow she kept it around until now It's got some fashion of the day pages for ladies and kids. And of course some advertising pages to pay for the publication costs: Hey! When was the last time you ladies went bustle shopping? Tell the kid you're taking her bustle shopping @notsmokinjo . That'll be an "Ah Mom!" moment - lol. Really shows just how much the world has changed in such a relatively short period of time. The invention of the telephone was only 11 years before this publication date! I guess there was no "on-line" shopping?
  11. Congrats on reaching another milestone in your quit Lilly. 4 Months is substantial! Hopefully you can find a way to stop by and let us know how you celebrated
  12. "Everyone must find what works for them." Absolutely correct! We all face the same challenges but we surpass those challenges using different methods. The method that is right for us.
  13. Many roads lead to Rome. The important bit is that you get there
  14. 14
  15. Congratulations on 7 full years smoke free @babs609! This place is a saviour to many, Thanks for being part of it
  16. Any quit is a good quit Michelle. The only thing you need to do is stop putting cigarettes in your mouth and lighting them - NOPE, that's it!
  17. LOL - You're welcome any time! I'll post pics when I do the cook - just as extra incentive And YES! Stay safe Saz! Looks nasty. Lots of rain.
  18. OK - YES!! That looks delish Now imaging a piece of scallop sandwiched in between the pineapple and bacon somewhere - heaven! That's exactly how I do mine, with a toothpick holding everything in place - Oh YUM!
  19. 12
  20. I have not tried that. I'm curious as to how that is done. I'll goggle it. I love pineapple and (dare I say) bacon I'm hoping that would be something I could BBQ as well I worked in the printing industry for over 40 years and before the digital age, everything was processed through a chemical bath containing god knows what chemicals. I'm sure those fumes were not particularly good for the lungs and possibly dangerous. I had a CT scan a month or so ago because my Dr. wanted a better look at my lungs than what an X-ray was showing him. Haven't heard anything yet. Hope that's a good sign? Glad you didn't have any unusual crap attached to your lungs Jillar At least we have all done the best thing we can do - we quit inhaling crap into our lungs! We can't change what we have done in the past but we can certainly take an active role in preventing further damage!
  21. I'm sure your get away will do you good, especially with such caring, nonsmoking friends! Have a blast and relax. You are doing something very special for yourself so celebrate your new, nonsmoking life

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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