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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. 5
  2. Stink Bug
  3. 3
  4. Just generated my Pirate Name: Cap'n Sam Beerbong I'll stay with that one. Fits real gud!
  5. Seems legit. Wait ......... isn't that what I said about the advertising for cigarettes when I first started smoking?
  6. I'm more motivated than ever to join a local clean-up volunteer group. 1 person may not make a huge difference but I will make at least some difference. That's important because I too was a major contributor to this problem for more years than I care to admit!
  7. This better be a good one Jillar
  8. We may have quit smoking but our environment is still bombarded with the toxic chemicals contained in the filters of the discarded cigarette butts. World wide, it's in the Trillions annually. I can't even wrap my head around trillions. I know I have never seen that descriptor mentioned on my bank statement! https://globalnews.ca/news/4418956/cigarette-butts-ocean-pollution-ban/
  9. Where's @notsmokinjo? Is she sleeping again?
  10. 2
  11. Congrats CL! He or she will have a fabulous, smoke-free Gramma!
  12. I'm going first! I say #2 is the lie! Although, "owned" is a bit of a tricky word. You may have lived in a place where a TV was accessible to you but you never actually paid for one? I'm sticking with this choice though I can see you not ever dying your hair and never having driven a car. I actually know several peeps who never had a license. I also know a ton of peeps who have a license but shouldn't!!
  13. Good advice Diane! I remember sitting in my house locked up like a prisoner for almost the whole first week of my quit and wish now that I had just forced myself to get off my butt and get out in the fresh air. Just a short walk or anything. Not only revitalizes you physically but will distract you from smokey thoughts. Take you doggie for a short walk. You'll both be better off for it
  14. 19
  15. Oops .........sorry OK: 1. Lie I have red blood. That's all I know but pretty sure it's not the one I listed. 2. Truth Have never grown a beard. Don't have much body hair except for on top so growing a beard would produce a pathetic result! 3. Truth Twins do run in my family on my father's side anyway. I have twin sisters (well, had .... RIP). Looks like your're up Saz!!
  16. 18
  17. Hang in there Diane. You are getting through the worst of it. Fight that Nicodemon with all you have. Things will get better the more time you invest in your quit!
  18. Anticipation is way worse than actually doing. That applies to most life situations you don't really want to do but know you must do. Jump in, all in and stay on the forum for education and support. That will help you. Quitting won't kill you but continuing to smoke just might. One day at a time my friend. It IS possible for anyone to quit!
  19. Interesting stuff. If I were a quantum physicist I would be happy to explain it to you. Unfortunately, I'm a mere mortal, and my idea of teleportation goes something like this.
  20. 15
  21. And I swear time was almost standing still for me during those earl days. A day seemed like a week. It was frightening. I thought it might stay that way - lol. I think most of us end up with a short fuse during the early days. I learned to keep my yap shut, especially if it involved my wife, although she knew what was going on so she picked here times carefully to approach me with any issues.
  22. This is very true. Sometimes there's nothing to do but grit your teeth and ride out the craving. They won't kill ya, just not pleasant
  23. Congratulations Kdad! !o months quit is fabulous. You are now into double digits with your quit. 2 more months and you'll be stepping onto the Lido Deck.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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