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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. Pop Canadian term for Soda as in; Coca-Cola etc. "Can I offer you a pop?"
  2. Two
  3. Nailed To do something perfectly! "I nailed that one!"
  4. 2
  5. Mickey "A word used to refer to a flask-sized bottle of liquor" What we say here in Canada is: Hey! Let's get a mouse, eh?"
  6. 3 (^^ I hear ya )
  7. 3 (You missed your Big O @Sazerac)
  8. EPON! (You'll have to view this one in a mirror)
  9. Klicks Term for kilometers. "How many Klicks did you put on today?"
  10. 1
  11. 17
  12. 15
  13. Sorry to hear you relapsed Ankush. You were doing really well and had gathered a lot of valuable information about smoking. You have now learned another important thing. It's not worth disrupting your quit with a cigarette for any reason. I hope you keep this lesson top of mind as you move forward with the start of your new quit. You will no doubt face a similar situation at some point in the future so you will need to rely on this experience at some point to avoid the same result. Welcome back fellow quitter
  14. Just glad I've still got mine
  15. 14
  16. #2 is the lie. I wouldn't go skiing if the temp is below -20C - Just too Fricken cold when you add the speed of decent to that temp. So you're up again Saz Oh, and I called it downhill because cross country skiing is trez popular here as well but that is just way too much work and frankly, quit boring as well.
  17. 15
  18. 1. As a kid I called my twin sisters Kar-Kar & Konkie and called my brother Fuss-Hole? 2. I have gone downhill skiing in -35 degree Celsius temperatures. 3. In my lifetime I have lived in two Canadian Provinces and 2 States in the U.S.
  19. Oh, oh ........ gonna have to get back to Y'all
  20. 11
  21. Congrats on 10 days!! That's huge and glad to hear your energy levels are returning Keep your eye on the prize Diane because the benefits of being quit for good are many. Travelling as a nonsmoker is sooooo much easier and waaaay more pleasant
  22. You'll love it @Diane R Will be made even better as a nonsmoker because you won't have to puff away just before leaving the States to fly to Spain and even worse, running outside when you get there to get a fix! Not to mention that you won't miss any of your cruise fun because you're huddled in a corner of the pool deck with the other smokers.
  23. Guess I'm in for #2 (although I doubt that one's a lie).

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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