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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. I know we celebrated 4 weeks yesterday Diane but today the 15th is your official 1 month Anniversary date so we're having another celebration to congratulate you on this fabulous accomplishment. That 1st month is so important because that's when you learn all your coping skills that you'll use to shape your quit. Once again Diane, congrats! Your a whole month smoke free!! There's never too many celebrations to mark that 1st month
  2. Huh?? What? I know Nothing!! -3
  3. I actually have a wedding pic. I have no scruples either. Like TMZ. Highest bidder gets full rights Place your bids peeps! I'm expecting a healthy "hush money" bid from the groom as well ( @Boo )
  4. I know @Octain .... me too I did get taken to a strip joint as part of by bachelor party tho The only exposure to coke I have is when I managed a politician's campaign. Guess who was the coke-head (not me)?
  5. LOL - you beat me to it @Octain
  6. Huge congrats Diane! That 1st month is so important. It's the toughest by far and you've put that in your rear view mirror now! It only gets better from here on in.
  7. -2
  8. -4 Wher's Andy .... we need Andy
  9. Welcome Ikea! Yes, knowledge is power so you need to read every bit of information you can about nicotine addiction. There is an entire library of Joel videos here as well on a separate page - Joel's Quit Smoking Videos. They cover virtually everything you will run into when you quit and will open your eyes to the lies we tell ourselves about smoking. Vaping is no different IMO. It's still putting nicotine into your body and bloodstream then to your brain. Keeps the addiction alive and well. You gotta stop introducing nicotine into yourself to find freedom! It can be done. We are the support system, you manage your quit with a commitment to stop and knowledge about the addiction. By the way, if you own the furniture store Ikea, I have some issues with shelving I am trying to put together
  10. Taking an outdoor shower in Canada between Dec. & March I'm sure it's the same in Ohio LT!
  11. -3
  12. I often get a little down and frustrated maintaining the Anniversary list. Where did this person go? What happened to that person? All of them were so full of commitment mere days ago or at least weeks ago. Then their Anniversary date comes around and I see they haven't logged on in days or even weeks. Not all are fresh quitters either. Some have months under their belts. Some may have just decided this forum was not for them I suppose but in my heart of hearts I suspect I know what's happened to most of them because I've been standing on that ledge myself, looking over the edge into the abyss of relapse but somehow gathered the mental strength to rip 1 more NOPE from somewhere inside me and that's all I needed until that overpowering urge faded. This addiction is one of the worst possible ones to wrestle under control for most but we all know how important it is to do just that. Although it can be a challenging and sometimes difficult process, quitting has never killed anyone that I am aware of. The alternative will at least shorten your life if not outright kill you.
  13. Congratulations on completing 7 months of your quit Solo! It's really adding up now and I hope you are enjoying the benefits of being smoke free? Remember to reward yourself with a little something special in recognition of your 7 months smoke free Life is beautiful and even more beautiful as a nonsmoker!
  14. -3 We HAD to let 'em win one! I heard they were going to withdraw cooking and laundry service for us sticks on the Train.
  15. I think you got rid of all the sticks in order to do that?
  16. -14
  17. -13
  18. What the hell -15
  19. -5
  20. -5
  21. Great Work QB! Doing fabulous!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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