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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. 14 Yeah ..... I saw that (AC )
  2. Sup? 14
  3. 14
  4. 14
  5. Wow! Isn't it amazing how some have NO concept of what's important at the moment and continue to spend their time on their own life drama? Good for you in taking the high road - the positive road! That's medicine for your mind Hellkat!! I'll join you in that positivity if you don't mind We all need more of that in our lives. Have a Great weekend Hellkat and indulge yourself at every opportunity!
  6. 14
  7. Then ..... there's possibly this too.
  8. 14
  9. You see @Yep2019 ..... @Diane R has only been with us less than a month and is already supporting others while she crafts her own early quit and she will find out that participating like this will not only help others but it will also serve to solidify her own quit. Join in yourself as much as you can because that same concept applies to all.
  10. I suppose our perspective changes (a lot) once we are successful quitters and we want to "save the smoking world" but to no avail Makes sense actually because that unwavering commitment that comes from deep down inside all quitters is something you can't persuade someone to gather. they gotta do that themselves.
  11. I was thinking in reverse - clearly LOL. I knew you hated shopping tho. No points for that?? Linda's up? OK, back to sleep then; zzzzzzzzzzzzz.
  12. 14
  13. #1's the lie! I know you hate shopping
  14. H2R - worlds most powerful all stock race bike Sorry, what was the question?
  15. I remember a few years ago KFC came out here in Canada with the Double-Down sandwich. Two fired hunks of chicken with a bunch of melted cheese and some bacon strips in the middle. People went nuts for them and they were only available for a limited time. I never did try one. Sodium count was at 1,880 mg and the cholesterol was a mere 150 mg.
  16. Hey there Yep & welcome to Quit Train. I read your intro and agree with all you said. Yes! Quit now and start healing your body. Trading smoking for exercise would be a huge gain for you personally More often then not, we don't know we even have a smoking related disease until it's too late so today is always the best day to quit! Dig in because there will be challenges especially in early days but keep your eye on the prize because the prize is freedom from nicotine addiction and a better (probably longer) life for you. Read all you can here and watch the Joel videos. They address almost any situation you will encounter. Stick real close to this site for support from other quitters because you'll get lots of that
  17. Hey @Linda Thomas When you're ready to come clean with the lie on this one, I'll just be over there under the tree havin' a wee snooze!
  18. 17
  19. I hope your treatment goes easier today Hellkatbaby. Your whole world has turned upside down but you are finding ways to adjust while still quitting smoking. That for sure deserves a gold star! Well done. Be good to yourself and celebrate those good moments
  20. OK. Who's taking #1? Let's go peeps!
  21. #2's the lie or else your hubby never reveals what his middle name is - it's one or the other!
  22. 18
  23. It's a huge sport in Quebec here (backwoods Quebec that is). There's no more timber harvesting now, which is what employed most people, so there's NO work in the backwoods areas of Quebec which is probably 95% or the total area. They live off Snowmobiling for 6 months of the year and ATV 4 Wheeler's for the rest. Of course weather dictates how well they do in those seasons and in recent years ..... not so great due to wildly changing weather patterns.

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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