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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. -12
  2. Ha,ha ...... I was thinking "Mother Ship". Guess not eh?
  3. -11
  4. You've hit the bullseye of early quit! Time standing still, ready to explode on anybody and everybody, mind on the spin cycle. Embrace the suck because it's all temporary. Better days are coming - stay quit!! As one of our noble members once said; "You can't stop the waves but you can learn to surf!" So, get your board out @mrsguest ..... Surfs Up
  5. Welcome Twice! Good to have you aboard. Grit your teeth and honor your commitment to yourself for a better life ahead! Plenty of great information and support here on the train and it WILL help you.
  6. I see day 11 just ahead Keep going!
  7. -10
  8. His number may skew your research - lol. Mine number is coming up at 24,203 at this minute. Now, I'm gonna watch my ticker for a day or two. I bet it does not change at all - wait and see.
  9. My ticker's broken and hasn't worked for months now when I did have it. I'll make another one later to see what my count is. I m sure it's a few!
  10. Reciprocity

    Working & Quitting

    Ouuuu ..... I'll have the blue one please
  11. -5
  12. New Erection, Virginia; U.S.A.
  13. -3
  14. Reciprocity

    Working & Quitting

    First job I ever had was on a line, assembling TV's At first I was they person bolting the transformer onto the TV chassis then graduated to filling in spots on the line for bathroom breaks.That was a long time ago and to this day I remember spinning those 4 nuts onto 4 bolts as the line moved on relentlessly. Yeah, I know exactly what you're saying about time to think. Direct those thoughts toward the benefits you'll be enjoying from quitting. Better health, more $$ to spend on things you want, not smelling like a stale ashtray, feeling proud of yourself for knowing what you can do in quitting the smokes. The list goes on an on.
  15. -3
  16. OK - let me know when and where. I can be ready in half an hour. May even get dressed. I'm bringing food tho ..................
  17. Welcome to Quit Train Unguided! We will certainly be happy to help guide you through your quit journey.And yes, come here as often as you wish to rant & rave as well as gather information on nicotine addiction and quitting. You'll get lots of support here and we have all been through the same process so we DO get it! Give us your best and worst - we can take it. Saz has given you some great links to start with so take advantage of them. Knowledge is power - the power to put your nicotine addiction to sleep. Also, look to the positives. Even in the early days there are positive things happening. Saving money on smokes, you no longer smell like a stale ashtray. Your sense of smell and taste will improve fairly quickly. There's lots to be happy about and those nasty quit symptoms only stay around for a short while. The benefits last forever I hope you stick around. Those that participate often tend to be successful more times than not. You see, by coming here and interacting with other quitters often, you strengthen your own quit and by supporting others here, the same thing happens - your quit gets stronger. It's a win win for you!
  18. I was the same way lol. Bitchy as hell in those early days. Not very nice to be around and cravings that seemed to have no perceivable start or end to them. Hey, I got through it by sheer will power at times in those early days. I WAS NOT giving up no matter what. And you know what ..... it worked Time seemed to stand still in the first couple of weeks or so but eventually started moving again (thank god) It does sound like maybe you weren't getting a nicotine feed off those patches so maybe just stay the course without any other quit aid. You can come here to rant and rave when you need to. We get it
  19. Great work Lilly! I know you had a lot of false starts but looks like you're finally in the grove - the smoke free grove
  20. -1
  21. Each person needs to do what they are comfortable with in terms of how they quit but here' a fact about nicotine in your bloodstream. It takes 3 days, 72 hours, to rid nicotine from your body no matter how many cigs you smoked per day. That's the relatively easy part of quitting. It's reshaping your daily life so you can function comfortably without cigs that takes a long time and a steadfast commitment over that time. Whatever you do, once you suspect nicotine is out of your body DO NOT reintroduce it under any circumstances. That's a step backwards!
  22. Good idea -3
  23. -3
  24. Welcome to Quit Train Axyz! You're doing the best thing you possibly can for yourself by quitting and with three weeks already behind you, you're well on your way - keep going. As Jillar said, it's pretty common to cough a lot of crap up in the early stages of quitting and the pain could be muscular pain from all the coughing. Do get it checked though if you are concerned or if it persists. Also, stick around this forum because there's lots of information about nicotine addiction and quitting and super great support from other quitters who have been through the sames thing you are now experiencing
  25. -3

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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