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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. Cannelloni
  2. quagmire
  3. Narco
  4. 5
  5. 5
  6. Andrew Meets Epstein Oh wait .... that's probably not a movie ..... yet
  7. gate
  8. True TNP has been sea sick
  9. Hanger hook
  10. Matrimony
  11. Yams
  12. The savings are huge and just get more and more with time. Look at some of us old geezers
  13. That works too
  14. Kick your addiction in the A*s Michelle!
  15. When I BBQ me a mess of wings, there's no dipping sauce. That would ruin the taste of the hot, sweet 'n smokey home made BBQ sauce Yes, for the Buffalo wings, or any wings deep fried, I can see the need for a dipping sauce and Blue Cheese would be my go to as well
  16. Welcome to Quit Train Michael! What Jillar said is the same as what I was going to offer you. The insomnia is for sure a quit symptom. The breathing issue may be too but it's always best to get that sort of thing checked out by a Dr. You will find a lot of resources here at Quit Train that will most likely make a huge, positive difference in your quit so .... stick around and read old posts, watch some of the videos available here and communicate with other quitters. In the end, we're all the same Michael
  17. Nope! Rather jump out a window!
  18. On the main page of this forum there's a list of individual pages that you can access and read until your eyes bleed (lol). There is one page Titled: Joel Spritzer's Quit Smoking Video Library. There's a train load of videos there about quitting. You are welcome to comment on any post you read that strikes a note with you. You can also post a new topic on most pages if you like. Be sure to go to the Daily NOPE pledge daily and post up your NOPE. It helps. CB Dave normally posts the next day's Nope on that page. Depending on where you live, it could be almost a day early as he's in Australia Anyway, read on. Spend lots of time here. It helps to hang with other nonsmokers. We even have a Games page. There's some cool time-wasters there and you'll be interacting with other forum members at the same time - it's fun! Take advantage. Explore the forum.
  19. 3 @Mona @Doreensfree You 2 are real troopers! Props to both of ya
  20. OO In for another win!!
  21. 17
  22. Hey; @Mac#23 You don't really have to sit out the next month in the Chicks or Sticks game
  23. Welcome aboard the Quit Train Mellymark! You've found a place where like minded people gather to share information and support each other through their quit journeys. First off. you're right. Education is key to quitting and staying quit! There's a ton of that here. All kinds of old posts from people just like you trying to quit. There's a wealth of information in those posts so keep browsing! There's also a ton of videos about smoking and quitting in the Joel Spitzer's Video page. First thing you need to contemplate is that this is not only a habit or series of habits but it is an addiction to nicotine. That's the tough part right there. We are all nicotine addicts, whether you smoke 1 cig a day or 100. Understanding that and how nicotine addiction works to keep us smoking is key to quitting. Research and read all you can. Ask questions and participate as much as you can here. I truly believe you'll find the answers you're looking for.

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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