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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. That's how we all built our quits Steven! 1 Day at a time and one struggle at a time. It's doable and .... it does get easier with time
  2. 6 (helping out the chicks)
  3. Quit symptoms and intensities are different for many people. Of course we relate to our own experiences most closely but the one constant in all this is that the more time we put between ourselves and cigarettes, vape, cigars or chewing tobacco, the easier it gets to stay off our chosen delivery device. Just stick with it Up! It's the only road to freedom. It's always your choice of course. All we can do is provide information based on our own experiences and what we have learned in our own quit journey.
  4. This is an important concept that most (myself included) never realized before quitting, that there are two very different issues we will have to deal with. Addiction to nicotine, which will be with all of us for life and the habitual aspects of smoking. Those habits we developed very early on in our smoking lives are difficult to break and some take a very long time. I would suggest more than the 1st month for many. I feel I was somewhere between 6 weeks and 8 weeks to start getting comfortable with my new "habits" and a full year to complete the process fully. The issue as I see it, looking at my quit in the rear view mirror, is that in the early days and weeks of one's quit it's the combination of breaking the "habits" AND the 1st days of nicotine withdrawal, which can be severe for some, end up being a real trial by fire for many of us quitters. It's only through our own hard work and denying ourselves what our brains are screaming for in those early days that we break through to a place where we start to realize that we can actually handle this quitting thing. The labels of Hell Week, Heck Week & WTF Week are just that ... labels that we put on that difficult period to try and describe what most are feeling during that period of quitting.
  5. Congrats on 11 days of freedom from cigs Linda Smoking was the go to for all of us when we smoked so yeah, I get it. It's hard when that is suddenly gone but you will learn new, healthier ways to deal with stress and you'll be a lot better off and happier once you reach the point when your mind doesn't go straight to having a smoke. Remember your deep breathing to relieve stress and/or get yourself busy doing something, anything to take your mind off things for a bit. Don't worry, you'll get there. Patience and NOPE are key!
  6. Some of us (with age) have both knockers & sticks
  7. Working your way through hell week. It's a grind but it shows yourself just how determined you are to rid yourself of the control nicotine addiction has over your life. Early days are tough and often you gotta battle your way through for the win!
  8. Thanks for solving that one Wee fluffy me! LOL - I've actually been known to do a bit of haverin myself from time to time
  9. Show us the results if you can! Sounds interesting.
  10. Congrats on your first 3 day Steven! Those first 3 days of a cold turkey quit are knuckle bitters for sure ..... well done!! Keep up the good work and stay on the train
  11. You still with us Matthew? Cravings can seem impossible to get through in the early days of your quit (and even longer for some). Just grit your teeth and say NOPE! That's the only path to freedom; Not One Puff Ever! YOU can do it I promise you that. We all did and we're the same as you when it comes to quitting. We are ALL nicotine addicts. It's tough but doable for all of us
  12. Glad you're back at things and feeling great! Yes, I can see your ticker using my lap top. You're almost 2 months quit and have not poisoned yourself with a staggering 1,071 cigarettes and, you have saved $535.81 dollars. What's your interest rate? I need a loan
  13. Half year quit is very special Angeleek! Be sure to celebrate this milestone and look forward to a life of freedom from nicotine addiction because ...... you have arrived!
  14. 6 Years? WOW! Congratulations Sandy!!
  15. I've got a cheap waterfront property that would be perfect for ya Nana!!
  16. Nope! No smoking unless I'm on fire!
  17. Hang in there Steven! It's not easy in the early days - we get that! But, it's so worth while and it WILL get easier the longer you go not smoking. It's that way for all of us
  18. Congrats on 7 years Paul! Hope you're cookin' up something special for yourself as a treat!
  19. Great job on getting through that 1st very tough week!

About us

QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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