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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. ^^^ This exactly! We don't realize how our addiction will struggle until we actually quit but we have ALL been there where you are now Linda! Yes, it sucks for sure but it WILL get better. Trust us on that one. Embrace the suck for now cuz it will strengthen you overall!
  2. Rather than being nervous, be excited! You are kicking nicotine out the door, slowly but surly. From what I have heard from others who have used patches, any increase in cravings is not that pronounced and does not last long at all as you step down in dosage. Your body & brain will become accustomed to less nicotine quite quickly. Besides, in 2 weeks you have developed tools to fight against cravings. Like other have said, use those tools to continue fighting. This is a good thing that you are going through because it means you're winning the war against your addiction so hang in there and fight for your life! You have too much blood,sweat & tears invested now to turn back Linda
  3. 6
  4. Be patient with your young quit Linda. You know you are doing well at starving your nicotine addiction when it starts fighting back mentally with you using every trick it can to get you to feed it again. Remember, YOU have the power here - NOT your nicotine addiction. Don't let that nicomonster fool you into thinking otherwise. YOU are winning right now. Keep it that way! This WILL get easier and less stressful but it simply takes time.
  5. 4
  6. uno
  7. 19
  8. You are entering a whole new chapter in your life Le Blanc, a Great chapter because you now will have a chance to free yourself from constant, miserable slavery to your nicotine addiction! What is there in life more valuable than your freedom? Sure the early days are really tough for most of us. It felt like one constant craving for days to me when I quit - probably even a week or more. How did I cope? Sheer will power and determination not to fail because I knew I wanted to be free from all the smoking BS for good and there was only one way to it, and that was through it! There's no short cuts or skipping any of the process. Think of it this way; you are about to receive the greatest gift in your life. Surly that is worth fighting for as hard as need be and for as long as need be. The tough times don't last for all that long Le Blanc, not in the grand scheme of things so take a stab at it! What do you have to lose? Sticking around here will be a godsend to you because we have ALL been right where you are today. You're NO different than us and vise-versa You CAN do it just like we all have!
  9. 19
  10. I'll map it all out!
  11. As I understand it, you can make tea from it and use it in cooking recipes but the effect on humans is a calming effect - nothing mind-blowing
  12. Feast
  13. Icing!
  14. "Sure", the wife said. "Go ahead and plant Catnip! What harm could it do?" Then all the addicts move in and the whole neighborhood goes to hell in a hand basket
  15. 16
  16. Harvesting the organic Catnip I grew this year. This is 1/4 of my total yield! Still needs to be more finely chopped though I think I'll be know as the Canadian Kitty Pusher soon
  17. Oh nice! Let us know how it turns out
  18. So yeah, what are you planning to do to clean things up and perhaps initiate a plan to try and get this thing working as was probably planned originally? If you need some help or want some input, PM me.
  19. Scary sh*t! Those winds, the storm surge and the rain volumes close to the eye wall - holy cow Can't imagine my house surviving that
  20. 15 Ha,ha!
  21. You are 100% correct Layla. We don't even realize, until we quit, just how much of our daily life is totally controlled by our nicotine addiction and smoking. It is truly shocking but ..... look at the other side of that coin. Once you have quit for good, all that slavery to nicotine is gone!! That's called Freedom and there's no better reward than that for all the hard work that's required to quit This IS what you're fighting for Layla - freedom from your addiction!
  22. 12
  23. There will likely be some challenging times during the early days Layla so be prepared to grit your teeth and just power through those times knowing there's a glorious, bright light shining for YOU at the other end of the tunnel! You can be assured, there's a bunch of peeps here ready and willing to help support you. Have a look around the site as well and read, read read, anything you can find. It will help educate you on nicotine addiction and it will pass time for you. There's a bunch of fun games to help take your mind off quitting on the Games page and there's also a very important page at the top of the main board page. It's called SOS. That's where you go and post if you're having a really tough moment and need somehelp getting through it smoke free. People will come running when you post there. Excited to watch you build your quit, one brick, one day at a time!

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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