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Everything posted by Reciprocity

  1. 14
  2. 13
  3. Good job Jeff! As breakfast food said; reward yourself for getting through a challenging time. Rewards are good. Every day going forward try challenging yourself to think about 1 good thing you have experienced since quitting. Saved money, better breathing, not having to hide from rain to smoke - whatever. There's many so pick one out every day and really focus on that benefit. Positivity beats negativity every time and soon you will start seeing the truth about nicotine addiction. It will happen - have faith!
  4. 11
  5. 11
  6. 11
  7. 8
  8. 4
  9. two closer to 100K
  10. OO
  11. 17
  12. " I have tried about every method of quitting Chantix, wellbutrin, cold turkey, patches. I have watched many hours of Joel Spitzer's videos, always making that commitment to never take another puff. But my commitment is just not strong enough! I get tired of lying to myself." That's a quote from your 1st post here May 18, 2020. You stated your commitment isn't strong enough. It appears that hasn't changed You're still romancing the cigarette and smoking in general. This is something only YOU can change and you MUST change that thinking in order to quit long term. The alternative is putting yourself through the withdrawal process over and over and over again. That's no way to live; it's torture! You need to have a real heart to heart talk with yourself Jeff and decide if you want to quit more than you want to smoke. If the answer is yes. then fight for it and sweep those smoky thoughts out of your mind. If the answer is no then it's back to feeding you addiction and throwing away all the work and pride you have put into this quit. The choice is yours and yours alone. Choose wisely Jeff.
  13. 16
  14. 15
  15. 16
  16. 14
  17. 12
  18. 9
  19. 6
  20. 4
  21. 3

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QuitTrain®, a quit smoking support community, was created by former smokers who have a deep desire to help people quit smoking and to help keep those quits intact.  This place should be a safe haven to escape the daily grind and focus on protecting our quits.  We don't believe that there is a "one size fits all" approach when it comes to quitting smoking.  Each of us has our own unique set of circumstances which contributes to how we go about quitting and more importantly, how we keep our quits.


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